Step by step, the Dynasty Warriors series has dared to absorb more and more light RPG elements.请注意,我看不到市场上的主要Musou特许经营权给我们一个成熟的ARPG,但是很高兴看到简单的hack and斜击系列演变成其他东西,即使它并不总是能很好地获得命中率。 For instance, no one will bat an eye if you say that Dynasty Warriors 9 and its Empires side entry weren't very good. In fact, those two games were very much responsible for Koei Tecmo and Omega Force going in a wildly different direction with Origins .
On a more positive note, 9 Empires included romances… sort of. You could max out the relationship with certain characters, go for a stroll, and eventually marry through a very generic cutscene.爱情已经在上一场DW游戏中蓬勃发展了,并且有多少重点是流浪者与他的盟友的关系(也许还有敌人),在这里的遗漏使人感到奇怪。
A fair amount of time in Dynasty Warriors: Origins is spent walking from one point of interest to another on the game's 'world map' layer. It's straight-up taken from classic JPRGs, and it kinda rocks.我认为随机敌人的柜台会完全毁了它,但这不是一回事(即使您可以耕种一些程序性的事件)。该循环还包括与盟友和朋友会面,接受完全是可选的任务,并且进行了简短的对话,这些对话为他们的身份以及他们为何战斗增加了很多。
The best part is that everything feels lovingly handcrafted.尽管过去几场比赛中的许多游戏都感觉像是懒惰的填充物经常受到回收资产和匆忙设计的驱动(在其他地方,任天堂从欧米茄(Omega)的力量获得了强大的Musou冠军),而起源不仅是形式的回归,而且是该系列的下一个水平。是的,如果不真正喜欢杀死数千人来实现和平的情况下,中央循环仍然会变得重复(是的,故事的整个角度不起作用),但是将爱与关怀纳入了所有方面。
Perhaps that's why the lack of actual in-game love has felt so baffling to me.在鲍德尔(Baldur)的第3号门和无数印度群岛等游戏时代,由于吸引人的恋情和蒸蒸日上的遭遇(如果您不搞砸了),在您的大型新昂贵的游戏中拥有一定程度的感觉,这几乎感觉像是一个人,他们正在寻找更大的观众,并且具有角色扮演元素。 Koei Tecmo显然希望招募更多具有起源的球员,尽管他们可能会在Rave Review之后取得成功,但人们不得不怀疑他们是否会因为不让人们与Guan Yu调情而在桌子上留下了一些简单的钱(见下文)。
I'm sorry, but there's no heterosexual explanation for that line.当场景逐渐变为黑色时,我几乎可以品尝到剪切的内容或未实现的创意意图,而我们只是继续成为最好的兄弟(顺便说一句,整个兄弟'都是一个带有派系的整个子图)。当然,衷心的男性关系中有一种罕见的美,这不是浪漫的,而且我没想到会在王朝勇士队的游戏中找到它们,但是我们在这里。 I'm happy for that, but I also want to smooch Guan Yu or uptight leader Cao Cao.
This whole 'romance wishlist' rant also brings us to the noticeable lack of major female characters in the game. I mean, Dynasty Warriors has traditionally been a sausage party, but we got a handful of women that meant business in each game.虽然Origins确实涵盖了三个王国故事情节的整个浪漫史的一部分,但我们在其他条目中经历了很多次,但这并不是当Devs在多个方面夺取如此多的自由时,这并不是一个借口。 Again, I got 'cut content' vibes from Sun Shangxiang's almost instantly flirty attitude towards the Wanderer.是这样吗? We might never know.
有了对话树,三个不同的派系重塑了主要故事的后半部分,以及对英雄,军官和他们之间的纽带的重新关注,一个可定制的主角似乎也是一个合乎逻辑的选择,但欧米茄力量想要一个定义的原始战士。 So far (I've yet to roll credits), I'm not seeing the narrative payoff whereas every other story front is sturdy enough. There was a clear vision for this game, and it really shows, but was it the best possible one?
虽然很明显,欧米茄力量从与其他财产进行合作的时间中吸取了一些有价值的经验教训,但其他事情也陷入了困境。 Hell, even some of the few good ideas from DW9 are missing.当最终结果是有史以来最好的王朝战士之一时,这并不重要,但是更加专注的分期付款不需要放开一些凶手的零件。 Also: Stop making so many characters more likable and attractive if you're not gonna let us hit on them!
最终,这可能全部归结于Koei Tecmo和Omega Force害怕在两次连续两次失败和9次衍生之后取得更大的挥杆。 The franchise was overdue for a refresh, and I can't complain too much about stuff that I'd have loved to see but is nowhere to be found.在大多数情况下,我们面前的游戏很难看到王朝的战士:起源是任何东西,但又一个很棒的提醒,在正确的时间,正确的重新发明可以复活停滞不前的特许经营。 It worked for Tomb Raider , God of War , and many others, and it's worked here. Bring on Samurai Warriors: Origins next, maybe?