Monster Hunter games used to be harder, but that doesn't mean they were better too.当我们准备冒险进入荒野时,也许是时候重新审查长期运行的系列已经到达并反思我们想要的东西了。
During its early days, aspiring hunters spent more time aimlessly looking for monsters than hunting them down.同样,镇上的任务(是的,我谈论的是农场)消耗了很多时间,很快就变成了我们不得不忍受的琐事,以最大程度地利用我们的宝贵资源。 What about tracking the aforementioned monsters out in the field? Ah, you sweet summer child, we had none of that until 2018's Monster Hunter: World . Have I told you that you had to throw paintballs at the animals to keep track of their location every 15 minutes or so too?
I got into the series thanks to Monster Hunter Freedom on the almighty PSP.尽管它的雄心勃勃的规模和图形保真度对于当天的便携式设备来说是令人印象深刻的,但它使我多次赶走了,因为游戏循环的每一一点都感到艰难和耗时。请注意,一旦您进入Monster Hunter的肉和土豆,一切都像今天一样,都可以碰到,但是那些早期的比赛绝对可以访问。
None of that can save you from a proper walloping if you're unprepared and/or your head isn't where it should be. Monster Hunter hasn't suddenly become 'easy' or 'too watered-down' in any way. In fact, I'd argue the series is currently the best it's ever been even if entries like 4 Ultimate packed a ridiculous amount of content.在去年11月发生的荒野beta之后,这一切似乎都在进一步冒险朝着将新移民放松到基础知识的同一方向上,然后一旦他们感到舒适,然后将它们蒸蒸日上。
在引入诸如Seikret Mounts之类的元素或在不间断的狩猎期间几乎任何地方扎营的能力之后,值得提出的担忧值得一提。到目前为止,我对Wilds的抱怨(至少在设计层面上)为零,但是我已经开始怀疑Monster Hunter是否最终会最小化病人和有条不紊的探索,以至于我们将最终获得类似Boss-Rush的游戏系列。
我们可能会争辩说,命运不佳的模仿者试图将探索和磨碎(不是完全)最小化,并在大规模怪物狩猎的突袭吸引力上加倍。 In the end, this didn't pay off.它目前的困境源于总体设计的完全不同的一面,但事实证明,人们实际上喜欢拥有一个郁郁葱葱,充满活力的世界,可以在可能与节目的Gargantuan恒星之间探索。
Some of my favorite Monster Hunter memories don't involve wyverns and dragons at all. Sometimes, I was just stunned by how gorgeous the scenery looked or how fantastic the sound design and overall vibes were. A huge part of Monster Hunter is the hunters' relationship with the natural environments housing the dangerous beasts.每当我们走出城镇的舒适和保护时,我们都会走进一个不受欢迎的世界,即使这并没有完全转化为更深层的生存力学,我也会觉得这些游戏中的猎人不仅应该随便漫步在这些地区。
Seikrets sic on monsters and can get the hunters automatically to the desired destination while they prepare their equipment for the next melee.对于传统的开放世界游戏来说,这是一种很棒的补充,但我担心,一旦您曾经绘制过新的区域,这可能会使过去对过去游戏的探索变得更加毫无意义。当然,我们还没有看到整个游戏如何流动以及如何将这些新元素集成到循环中,但是即使我欢迎任何QoL更改,这会使磨碎有些痛苦,但我也担心Monster Hunter的粗糙边缘一点一点地变得过于抛光。
I'm betting on Wilds ' new, more agile 'hunt loop' coming together beautifully in the end. Everything I've played so far doesn't suggest otherwise.但是,随着我年龄的增长并开始欣赏正确剂量时的游戏可以做的事情,我也发现自己在企业上对新手(以及更多的消费者)进行了许多更改。最近的现场服务失败向我们表明,追逐更大的玩家群体通常在灾难中结束,因为物业最终忘记了为什么他们首先变得流行。虽然Monster Hunter并不是一个例子,但在这些树林中迷失的经验丰富的系列与Capcom目前追逐无限生长的皇冠珠宝之间存在微弱的联系。 Its soul somehow remains untouched for now, but will it stay that way forever?
Wilds导演Yuya Tokuda和制片人Ryozo Tsujimoto拥有出色的往绩,因此我不应该太担心系列赛的未来,但是经过这么多胜利,您开始怀疑何时以及如何开始向南发展。 What I'm describing and theorizing about here wouldn't even be noticed by most players. It's an abstract sort of thing, closer to what the games s ay than what they do .在处理游戏领先的视频游戏时,通常很难传达这种想法和感受,所以请原谅我,如果这听起来像是疯子的杂乱无章。
The funny thing is that Monster Hunter needn't stick to strict rules and a single series of games. We've already gotten the Stories spinoffs and Now is seemingly doing great on mobile. There's plenty of space for growth and experimentation. More casual-friendly endeavors could be the perfect gateway to the main series for more players. Capcom should continue to push in that direction while letting the main Monster Hunter titles remain savage and the right amount of arduous.