There are 17 fruits in Fruit Reborn, which grant players powerful abilities, as well as HP and attack buffs. Neste guia, forneceremos uma lista de camadas de todas as frutas do jogo, incluindo suas habilidades, AOES e chances de gota, bem como seus pontos fortes e fracos gerais.
Observe que você pode obter frutas interagindo com o NPC Fruits na tabela de convocação no lobby principal. There you can purchase fruit bundles with your hard-earned gems, which can be obtained for free by using these redeemable codes.
Ranking | Fruits |
S | Amaldiçoar frutas, seis olhos frutas, frutas escuras v2, frutas de chama V2 |
UM | Ice Fruit V2, Thunder Fruit V2 |
B | Sand Fruit, Thunder Fruit, Ice Fruit, Dark Fruit, Bomb Fruit |
C | Light Fruit, Flame Fruit, Smoke Fruit |
D | Air Fruit, Water Fruit, Barrier Fruit |
The following fruits are the hardest to get, but they're also the most powerful ones with the top abilities and stat boosts.
Fruits | Chance | Prós/contras |
Curse Fruit | Mythical (0.25%) | +Basic attack shoots a powerful fire orb at a single target +Open attack has an extremely long range, the highest among all other fruits +Dismantle AOE ability summons massive red slashes that hit all enemies, also in the air +Raging Sun summons a volley of fire arrows falling from the sky, although a bit slow +Shadow Domain is an ultimate skill, which is similar to Dismantle AOE but with much wider range and extended playtime |
Six Eyes Fruit | Mythical (0.25%) | +Ataque azul disparar de uma grande esfera azul que atinge os inimigos em uma fileira +Red attack creates a red explosion at a long range +Purple attack combines both Blue and Red, with a final massive explosion +Void Domain is the best ultimate in the game, dealing damage to all enemies within its extremely wide radius |
Dark Fruit V2 | Mythical (0.25%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 33.00% +Dark Hole ability creates a wide vortex that sucks all enemies inside +Dark liberation creates a series of powerful AOEs that end in massive explosions, covering the widest possible area +Dark Star summons a massive dark meteor that deals extremely high damage on impact |
Flame Fruit V2 | Legendary (2%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 26.00% +Heat Haze basic attack is extremely fast +Fire Daruma summons a volley of meteors falling from the sky +Fire Pillar attack summons three massive fire bolts in a row +Flame Emperor is an excruciating AOE that throws a gigantic meteor on all enemies |
Essas duas frutas são muito melhores do que outras frutas abaixo, mas ainda não são tão boas quanto as de primeira linha devido a um aumento de estatísticas geralmente mais baixas.
Fruits | Chance | Prós/contras |
Ice Fruit V2 | Mythical (0.25%) | +Aumenta a HP e o ataque em 36,30% +Ice Star AOE attack summons thousands of small icicles that hit all enemies around you +The ultimate Ice Age ability creates an area with a pulsing attack that hits all enemies within its range with massive damage +Both AOE attacks function at extended times |
Thunder Fruit V2 | Mythical (0.25%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 18.00% +Thunder Welcome sends out a series of electric shocks, bouncing off each enemy +God's Judgement is an electric AOE attack that sporadically bursts enemies with electric charges +Grants an equipped spear weapon that hits for free with no cooldown, although only at melee range |
Antes de entrar nas batalhas contra inimigos de nível superior, você deseja obter pelo menos algumas dessas frutas para uma progressão mais confiante.
Fruits | Chance | Prós/contras |
Sand Fruit | EPIC (6,75%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 10.40% +Desert Sunflower attack deals extended damage to a single target +Erosion Cycle is an extremely powerful AOE with nice range -Basic attacks are practically useless |
Thunder Fruit | Legendary (2%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 25.50% +The second attack, Lightning Strom, is highly efficient and plays like ultimate +The actual ultimate, Heavy Thunder, summons a series of lightning blasts that cover a wider range -Basic attacks have no impact on the gameplay |
Ice Fruit | EPIC (6,75%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 10.20% +Ice Time and Ice Time Shoot are effective AOEs for freezing enemies +Glacier attacks outright stops a row of enemies at place and explodes -Damage is underwhelming for a fruit of an Epic rarity |
Dark Fruit | Legendary (2%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 21.25% +Excellent basic attacks, such as Black Ball +Black Hole Path not only deals damage but also obscures enemy's vision -The ultimate Black Hole AOE is too short, but range is wide |
Bomba de bomba | Normal (75%) | +The best starter fruit +Boosts HP and attack by 6.30% +Strong basic attacks +Landmine Bombs can destroy multiple enemies ina row +Rocket Bomb ability is excellent against being surrounded by enemies -Damage can be underwhelming even at higher levels |
These are some of the better early game fruits, which are easy to get at the fruit summon NPC, although don't expect much from their abilities.
Fruits | Chance | Prós/contras |
Light Fruit | EPIC (6,75%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 10.20% +Marakumo attack delivers a series of fast-paced slashes +Jewel of Eight Shaku ability is Marakumo on steroids -Requires melee range for basic attacks |
Flame Fruit | Rare (16%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 9.00% +Fire Gun has high rate of fire +Blaze Net offers an extended AOE attack -Ultimate ability, Unknown Fire, is underwhelming |
Smoke Fruit | Normal (75%) | +Second best starter fruit +Boosts HP and attack by 5.70% +Summons a strong AOE attack White Wind at Level 30 -Basic attacks are very underwhelming |
Evite essas frutas, mesmo no início do jogo, a menos que você realmente não consiga obter frutas melhores que não estes, tendo os piores ataques e fãs de estatísticas.
Fruits | Chance | Prós/contras |
Air Fruit | Rare (16%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 6.45% -The second worst rare fruit -Hurricane is basically the same as White Wind from Smoke Fruit |
Water Fruit | Rare (16%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 6.15% -The worst rare fruit, good only for pushing enemies away -Water Wave may look cool, but not too effective |
Barrier Fruit | Normal (75%) | +Boosts HP and attack by 6.20% -The worst starter fruit -Collision and Smash abilities are ineffective |
That's it for our tier list of all fruits in Fruit Reborn. Para obter mais guias, confira como encontrar e vencer o Papai Noel em Jujutsu Infinite: Localização, Estratégias e Rewards e como obter todas as ótimas unidades de guerra ninja em Anime Last Stand.