Contact Synchronizer Android1x Apk 1.0-for-Android1.x
更新时间:December 27, 2024
People are reporting: "I use this tool a lot."
Synchronize your contacts across all mobile devices and computers.This app is ONLY FOR devices running Android 1.5 and Android 1.6.请为所有其他Android设备下载“联系同步器Android2X”。该程序不会同步到Outlook,Exchange和Gmail。为了同步所有移动设备和计算机上的联系人。此应用程序可以免费安装,并且可以在应用内购买$2。免费模式: - 与ContactSafe.net同步10个联系人。即将推出! - Launch a full screen of this Contact Safe web application. Ads are shown.即将推出! - Export and Import 10 contacts with an external text file.Paid mode: - Sync all contacts with Contact Safe.即将推出! - 启动此联系人安全Web应用程序的全屏。没有广告。即将推出! - 用外部文本文件导出并导入所有联系人。