Contact Synchronizer Android1x Apk 1.0-for-Android1.x
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Update Time:December 27, 2024
People are reporting: "I use this tool a lot."
Synchronize your contacts across all mobile devices and computers.This app is ONLY FOR devices running Android 1.5 and Android 1.6. Please download "Contact Synchronizer Android2x" for all other Android devices.This program does not synchronize to Outlook, Exchange, nor GMail."A highly used tool. Now I know my contacts are safe, and available everywhere!"Export contacts.Import contacts.Synchronize contacts.If you have computers, smart phones, and other devices where you store lists of phone numbers and other contact information, how do you keep them in sync?This app allows you to synchronize contacts across all mobile devices and computers.This app is free to install, and it offers an in-app purchase of $2.Free mode: - Sync 10 contacts with Coming soon! - Launch a full screen of this Contact Safe web application. Ads are shown. Coming soon! - Export and Import 10 contacts with an external text file.Paid mode: - Sync all contacts with Contact Safe. Coming soon! - Launch a full screen of this Contact Safe web application. No Ads. Coming soon! - Export and Import all contacts with an external text file.