The hero shooter Marvel Rivals offers players a selection of Marvel heroes and villains to play as, each with multiple skins. While many of these skins come at a premium, several are available for free – if players meet certain conditions. Here are all the free skins in Marvel Rivals .
Scarlet Witch has one of the rarest skins in the game, the Moonlit Witch skin, which gives her a predominantly white costume with white hair. Only those who participated in the closed alpha test for Marvel Rivals received this skin. As of May 20, 2024, the Scarlet Witch's Moonlit Witch skin is no longer available.
قبل إطلاقه ، كان لدى Marvel Rivals اختبار تجريبي مغلق ، حيث يحصل المشاركون على فرصة لإلغاء قفل جلد Cyan Clash في Venom ، مما يمنحه لونًا رائعًا بشكل واضح. كان على اختبار بيتا أيضًا إكمال Galacta Quest Pass والوصول إلى المستوى 30. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين أكملوا هذه المتطلبات ، يمكنهم استرداد جلد Cyan Clash في Venom حتى 7 فبراير 2025.
The Norse Goddess of Death, Hela had a limited time Empress of the Cosmos skin, making her aquamarine and gold. Players could unlock this by watching at least four hours of Marvel Rivals streams on Twitch with Twitch Drops enabled during viewing. As of January 10, 2025, Hela's Empress of the Cosmos skin is no longer available.
كان معروفًا في الشهر الأول من إطلاق Marvel Rivals على نطاق واسع باسم Season 0 ، مع Skin Golden Moonlight من Moon Knight كحافز مجاني للعب. Players who reached Gold rank in Competitive Mode unlocked the black and gold skin. As of January 10, 2025, Moon Knight's Golden Moonlight skin is no longer available.
The mutant master of magnetism, Magneto received a cosmic upgrade with the Will of Galacta skin, giving him armor resembling Galactus. Players could unlock this by watching at least four hours of Marvel Rivals streams on Twitch with Twitch Drops enabled during viewing. As of December 21, 2024, Magneto's Will of Galacta skin is no longer available.
كجزء من حدث الاحتفال الشتوي ، حصل Jeff the Land Shark على بشرته الحرة ، The Cuddly Fuzzlefin ، مما يمنحه ملابس موسمية مناسبة. During the event, players had to earn 500 Wintry Atmosphere points, earned through Jeff's Winter Splash Festival Mode. As of January 9, 2025, Jeff the Land Shark's Cuddly Fuzzlefin skin is no longer available.
Hela's Will of Galacta skin is a version of Hela cosmically transformed by Galacta. يمكن للاعبين فتح إرادة Galacta Skin من خلال مشاهدة أربع ساعات على الأقل من تيارات Marvel منافسيها على Twitch مع تمكين Twitch Drops أثناء المشاهدة. As of January 25, 2025, Hela's Will of Galacta skin is no longer available.
Related: How To Get Assists in Marvel Rivals & Best Characters To Use
يبدو ثور أقرب إلى مظهر كتابه الهزلي الكلاسيكي مقارنةً ببشرته الافتراضية مع تولد من الجلد من Ragnarok الذي يجعل إله الرعد يحلّف مع الشعر الأشقر. Players must complete the Midnight Features event in order to unlock the Reborn from Ragnarok skin. Thor's Reborn from Ragnarok skin is set to expire on February 7, 2025.
Star-Lord gets to live out his '80s rockstar fantasy with the Lion's Mane skin, giving him flowing hair and a fur-lined sleeveless vest. Players who earn 900 points through completing challenges in the Fortune and Colors event can unlock the skin. Star-Lord's Lion's Mane skin is set to expire on February 14, 2025.
Iron Man gets a black and gold variant with his Armor Model 42 skin instead of his usual crimson coloration. Players just have to validate the code nwarh4k3xqy in the in-game menu to receive the skin for free. Iron Man's Armor Model 42 skin is set to expire on March 5, 2025.
The Invisible Woman takes on a more striking appearance with her Blood Shield skin, giving her red-tinged white hair and a red and gray suit. Players who reach the Gold Tier III rank in Competitive Mode during Season 1 can unlock the skin. The Invisible Woman's Blood Shield skin is set to expire on April 11, 2025.
تحصل Peni Parker على ميكانيكي في لون أزرق مماثل لبشرة Cyan Clash في سموم ، مع جلدها المترور الأزرق ، مما يمنح Peni أيضًا ملابس ملونة مماثلة. This skin is available for players who reach Page 3 of the Season 1 Battle Pass. Peni Parker's Blue Tarantula skin is set to expire on April 11, 2025.
The Scarlet Witch gets a fancier outfit with the Emporium Matron skin, replacing her usual crimson jacket with a flowing dress and gold jewelry. Players who reach Page 9 of the Season 1 Battle Pass can unlock the skin. The Scarlet Witch's Emporium Matron skin is set to expire on April 11, 2025.
The mech-piloting spider-themed superhero from another universe, Peni Parker gets a Venom-inspired purple mech to play with. Dubbed Ven#m, this skin is available for free to download for PlayStation Plus subscribers who play Marvel Rivals on PlayStation consoles. There is currently no listed expiration date for Peni Parker's Ven#m skin.
كان لدى Spider-Man ارتباطًا طويلًا مع لوحات المفاتيح Sony و PlayStation ، بما في ذلك عدد من ألعاب Spider-Man الحصرية في وحدة التحكم في Marvel's Avengers . Marvel Rivals keeps this partnership alive by making Spider-Man's Scarlet Spider skin available for free for PlayStation 5 players. There is currently no listed expiration date for the Scarlet Spider skin.
The cosmic superhero Star-Lord sports his red jacket with his Jovial Star skin, along with a slightly redesigned shirt and belt. Players can earn this skin by earning at least 400 Heroic Achievement Points in the Heroic Journey track. There is currently no listed expiration date for Star-Lord's Jovial Star skin.
Storm of the X-Men wears her classic white and gold outfit, along with her long flowing hair, in her Ivory Breeze skin. Players can earn this skin by earning at least 200 Heroic Achievement Points in the Heroic Journey track. There is currently no listed expiration date for Storm's Ivory Breeze skin.
And that's how to get all the free skins in Marvel Rivals .
Marvel Rivalsis متوفر الآن على PS5 و PC و Xbox Series X | S.