Poppy Playtime features a roster of iconic characters, some of whom might look adorable while others appear downright gruesome. With the introduction of the Chapter 4 DLC, the Safe Haven, there have been quite a few characters that have made their appearance. Here are all of the characters that appeared in Chapter 4 of Poppy Playtime.
هناك أكثر من 10 شخصيات مختلفة ظهرت في Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 ، لكننا سننظر فقط في تلك التي ظهرت في مظهر مادي. Characters like CandyCat, Boxy Boo, Mommy Long Legs, and many more made secret appearances, but those weren't physical ones.
So, we'll overlook the VHS tape characters as well as the Cutout characters that appeared in the Safe Haven DLC. Now, here's a list of each of the characters that appeared in Poppy Playtime Chapter 4.
One of the first characters you're introduced to at the beginning of the Chapter 4 DLC is Poppy Playtime. With a tiny doll-like appearance, Poppy is the titular character of Poppy Playtime created by Playtime Co.
Once the company's beloved mascot, she harbors dark secrets tied to experiments on children. من المفترض أن تدمر في كارثة المصنع ، عاود الظهور بعد سنوات ، وتوجهك الآن إلى أدلة خفية لفضح الفظائع الرهيبة للشركة.
Kissy Missy, a pink humanoid toy from Poppy Playtime, is a Playtime Co. creation initially marketed as a “friend” to children. She appears in the Chapter 4 DLC alongside Poppy trying to survive against The Prototype. She appears docile but has an unsettling behavior that'll leave you questioning her true intentions.
Kissy Missy's design hints at an amalgamation of organic and synthetic elements, with striking similarities to Huggy Wuggy. Though less overtly hostile than the likes of Huggy Wuggy , her presence definitely enhances the game's uncanny tone.
الدكتور هارلي سوير ، العالم في Poppy Playtime: الفصل 4 ، المعروف أيضًا باسم "الطبيب" ، هو الشكل المركزي وراء التجارب غير الأخلاقية لشركة Playtime Co. Once a respected researcher, his obsession with merging human consciousness with toys led to Project: Poppy and the tragic Child Tester Program.
His recordings reveal a manipulative and morally bankrupt mind, and he actively tries to corrupt you. In the Chapter 4 DLC, Sawyer is the primary antagonist, orchestrating horrors from the shadows . Though presumed dead, his legacy persists through monstrous creations, like The Prototype.
Yarnaby, a lion-like animatronic in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4, is one the first grotesque horrors to make an appearance. رائعتين للوهلة الأولى ، تخفي الواجهة المحببة مرحلة وحشية رأسًا قابلاً للسحب يكشف عن أفواه مزدوجة ، أحدهما مع ماو دموي وآخر يجري فكًا داخليًا أجنبيًا.
Acting as Harley Sawyer's loyal enforcer, Yarnaby stalks Playtime Prison's corridors , hunting you under the Doctor's command. Yarnaby's threat, while quite horrifying at first, is relatively easy to survive with predictable patterns eventually leading to its demise.
Doey the Doughman ، في البداية ، حليف شبيه بالعجين في وقت اللعب الخشخاش: الفصل الرابع. إنه يحمي ألعاب الأيتام الآمنة ضد طغيان هارلي سوير. As the prison sector's protector, he has earned the trust of Poppy, Kissy Missy, and even Ollie. His clay-like body lets him shapeshift and move through the facility with ease.
Unlike most toys, Doey resists The Doctor's control. ولكن في وقت لاحق ، استسلم لرغباته المثيرة ، وتحول إلى شكل مرعب وغريب مع يدي يخرج من فمه الوحشي الضخم . Eventually, he dies after being crushed underneath a piston.
Pianosaurus, a velociraptor-like toy in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4, has a unique piano-shaped maw. He is generally dormant until provoked, and transforms into a frenzied “Speed Demon,” attacking moving targets with high speeds.
Despite its scary appearance, Pianosaurus's role in Safe Haven isn't much, as he gets devoured by Doey right before trying to attack you. It did have some untapped potential, but alas, there's not much to see of him.
Baba Chops ، هو حيوان أليف ثاني من الطبيب ، بعد Yarnby في وقت اللعب الخشخاش: الفصل 4. إنه يعمل كحيوان أليف المخلص لهارلي سوير ويعتقل لك في متاهة. Though briefly terrifying, Sawyer later commands it to retreat after making you kill a mini critter. بينما يضيف تصميمه الوحشي إلى جو الفصل 4 المقلق ، إلا أن الشخصية تظل غير مستغلة أو ربما ستعود في التكرار التالي.
Harley Bodies, are mindless drones in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4 . They act as expendable extensions of Harley Sawyer's will. With TV-headed designs, robotic limbs, and marionette-like wires, these clones patrol Safe Haven in tattered cloaks. Their eyes flash yellow-to-red when Sawyer hijacks them trying to attack you. Devoid of any personality, they only serve as ambush puppets. Though eerie in numbers, they are quite predictable thus reducing them to only being mechanical obstacles.
تظهر المخلوقات المصغرة ، بما في ذلك المخلوقات المبتسمة وميني هوج ، في مناسبات متعددة وتعبر عن البراءة المأساوية في وقت اللعب الخشخاش: الفصل 4. مع ظهور ألعاب الأطفال التي تتوق إلى رعاية الوالدين ، فإن ثغرة الأهمية العريضة تتناقض مع أهوال المصنع. Though non-threatening, their presence adds a level of emotional depth to the plot.
Ollie هو صوت غامض يوجهك خلال الفصل 4. صوته المتفائل والتعاطف الواضح لضحايا Playtime Co. على الرغم من تأطيره في البداية باعتباره منارة الأمل ، فإن هوية Ollie الحقيقية تضخّم موضوعات الوهم السرد المؤدي إلى الفصل التالي من وقت اللعب الخشخاش.
The initial corpse carrying the Key inside its stomach is later revealed to be Riley. Riley is a bigger body, who was trapped and wished to meet her parents, but eventually died trying to fulfill that wish.
باري ، في الأصل عربة صفراء وترقيلة في وقت اللعب الخشخاش ، كانت في البداية بمثابة أداة تعمل بالزخم ، تحطيم المتاريس في ممرات العربة. Designed with headlight eyes and carries toys like Bron and Candy Cat. في الملاذ الآمن DLC ، يمكنك أن تجد شكل باري الفاسد مع قذيفة حمراء متشققة ، وأضواء ميتة ، وحمل جثة في العربة تلميحات في المأساة المرتبطة بـ Playtime Co.
For more on Poppy Playtime, check out Every secret hidden in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4 or All Poppy Playtime Characters on Pro Game Guides!