As part of the DTI Valentine's Quest, you are supposed to locate four different chests spread across the map. While few of the chests are easy to identify, others require intensive search. To reduce the grind, I have mentioned all four chest locations and the games needed to acquire each one of them.
How to find all four chests in Dress to Impress Valentine's Quest
Below, I have mentioned all four chest locations in Dress to Impress Valentine Quest and their exact location. You can follow the directions to find them and finish the quest.
- Chest Location 1 : The first chest is located in a small forest area . خذ يسارًا من منطقة البوابة الرئيسية وأخذ مرة أخرى يسارًا آخر بالقرب من الشعلة/النافورة المحترقة للعثور على هذه الجزيرة المعزولة التي تحتوي على الصدر على الجانب الأيسر. After taking the chest, you will start the mini-game, where you have to match the pattern with the set of two cards. Just remember the card or take screenshots to keep matching them one by one. Remember, sometimes, the chest tends to spawn inside the central water pool. So, if you cannot find the chest on the left side, check out the pool!
- Chest Location 2 : The next chest location is inside the hospital . Go from the right side of the burning torch/fountain to find this location after crossing the bridge. هذا صندوق عشوائي يختلف من لاعب إلى آخر ، وكل ما عليك فعله هو اتباع الشموع المضاءة على الأرض للعثور على صندوق في النهاية. While picking it up, you will start a new mini-game where you have to find the mentioned text in the header while they are being shuffled below. This is very simple, as all you have to remember is the movement of the cards, and you will secure the chest quickly.
- Chest Location 3 : The third chest can be found in the spooky dinner room . You can reach this place by taking a right from the central area to find another isolated island with two bridges. Take the left from this island to find a dinner setup-like arrangement with a chest on the extreme left. Pick it up, and you will again start the first mini-game of matching three cards. Finish it, and you will get this chest.
- Chest Location 4 : The final chest is behind a broken statue . Take a right from the same isolated island for chest 3 to find an area filled with broken statues and pillars. Here, go behind the central broken statue to see the last chest. Interact with it, and you will once again start the memory mini-game required for the second one. Finish it, and you will get all four chests in the DTI Valentine's Event Quest and open the first lock from the main gate.
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