Locked might look like just another soccer game inspired by Blue Lock but it packs a lot of features on top of the base sport gameplay. This is all thanks to a mechanic called Abilities or Weapons. هناك أكثر من عشرين سلاحًا متاحًا في اللعبة ، وبما أن كل واحد يختلف عن الآخر ، فإليك قائمة الطبقة التي تصنفها من الأفضل إلى الأسوأ.
Weapons in Locked are categorized by their rarity: Unique (1%), Legendary (5%), Exotic (10%), Rare (30%), Common (55%). Since the game doesn't allow you to stack Weapons, you have to stick with only one. For a deeper dive into the game, check out its Trello board and Discord server. Here are the best Weapons in Locked.
طبقة | Weapons |
ق | Ace Eater, Copy Cat, Emperor, King, Monster, Serpent, Watch Tower |
أ | Formless, Nagi, Planetary, Sword Screw, Updraft |
ب | Direct Shot, Godspeed, Iron Head, Kunigami, Riptide, Snatch, Speedster, Voracious |
ج | Accelerate, Acrobatic, Neurotic, Repel, Shadow, Web |
د | Leader, Long Legs, Rough |
Ace Eater is the best Weapon you can get in Locked. With a roll chance of only 1% this unique weapon is great for all types of players, be it strikers or defenders. On top of that it has no cooldown, allowing you to basically spam it.
سمة | ندرة | يكتب | ترطيب | إيجابيات / سلبيات |
Ace Eater | فريد | نشيط | لا أحد | + Allows you to steal the ball + Places a shield on it so it cannot be snatched from you - Need to keep dribbling to keep the effect |
Copy Cat | غَرِيب | نشيط | 180 seconds | + Mimic's any player's weapon - High cooldown time |
إمبراطور | فريد | نشيط | 180 seconds | + Perfect for hitting a goal - High cooldown time |
ملِك | فريد | Active and Passive | Main: 170 seconds King Shot: 180 seconds | + Helps avoid snatches - Can be a little unpredictable |
وحش | الأسطوري | نشيط | 40 seconds | + Great weapon for strikers + Low cooldown time |
Serpent | فريد | Active and Passive | 120 ثانية | + Good for tackling a goal + Can also perform side tackles |
Watch Tower | غَرِيب | نشيط | 40 seconds | + Gives huge hitbox buff for all teammates - Only lasts for 40 seconds |
بخلاف Ace Eater ، تعد Monster و Copy Cat قدرات كبيرة أيضًا ، ولكنها قد تستغرق بعض الوقت للتعود عليهم لأن لديهم منحنى تعليمي أكثر حدة نسبيًا.
سمة | ندرة | يكتب | ترطيب | إيجابيات / سلبيات |
Formless | فريد | Active and Passive | 150 seconds | + Perfect for hitting the goal + Dragon Kick Passive - High cooldown time |
ناجي | الأسطوري | Situational | 40 seconds | + Traps the ball midair to prevent any snatches |
Planetary | فريد | Situational | 50 Seconds | + Great for passing |
Sword Screw | الأسطوري | Situational | 45 seconds | + Great for scoring a goal - Hard to learn |
Updraft | الأسطوري | نشيط | 80 seconds | + Allows to steal passes by catching the ball if its in the radius - Goalkeeper only |
If you like being the Goalkeeper then Sword Screw and Updraft are perfect for you. Since Sword Screw is more for skilled players, I'd suggest sticking to Updraft if you are new to the game. Apart from this, Nagi and Planetary are also great especially if you are a striker.
سمة | ندرة | يكتب | ترطيب | إيجابيات / سلبيات |
Direct Shot | شائع | Situational | لا أحد | + Allows to snatch the ball from opponents quickly - High cooldown time |
Godspeed | فريد | نشيط | Taking the ball: 150 seconds Not taking the ball: 60 seconds | + Allows to quickly snatch the ball from opponents - High cooldown time |
رأس الحديد | شائع | سلبي | لا أحد | + Increases header powers |
Kunigami | غَرِيب | نشيط | 25 ثانية | + Perfect for making a goal - The ball needs to be passed in order for it to activate |
ضد التيار | الأسطوري | نشيط | 25 ثانية | + Perfect for passing |
Snatch | نادر | سلبي | لا أحد | + Great if you like to dive - 50% chance of missing the catch |
Speedster | الأسطوري | نشيط | 120 ثانية | + 30% speed boost for 20 seconds - Not great for tall characters |
شره | غَرِيب | سلبي | لا أحد | + Allows you to get up faster after sliding and/or after breaking an ankle - Reduces stamina by 15% |
Despite being of common rarities, both Iron Head and Direct Shot are great weapons if you know your way around the game. Since they are easy to acquire, you won't have to spend a lot of money and time on getting them. Other than these, Kunigami is also a great ability but you'd have to get familiar with it since it is prone to breaking ankles.
سمة | ندرة | يكتب | ترطيب | إيجابيات / سلبيات |
Accelerate | نادر | نشيط | 80 seconds | + Best dashing weapon - Short-lived - High cooldown time |
البهلوانية | الأسطوري | نشيط | لا أحد | + Get up from blocks faster - More of an emote than a weapon |
Neurotic | نادر | سلبي | لا أحد | + Boosts speed + Lasts for 10 seconds - Can only be activated after an ankle is broken |
صد | نادر | سلبي | لا أحد | + Great for blocking + One of the best Goalkeeper weapons |
الظل | غَرِيب | نشيط | 95 seconds | + Boosts movement speed - Short-lived |
Web | نادر | نشيط | 70 seconds | + Stops opponents from running - High cooldown time |
If you are fairly new to the game then these are the Weapons you should aim for. Not only they're somewhat easy to get but they also have a gentler learning curve. أما بالنسبة للبهلوانية والظل ، على الرغم من أنها نادرة أعلى ، إلا أنها لا تساهم كثيرًا بالمقارنة مع الأسلحة الأخرى في فئتها وهذا هو السبب في أنهم في الطبقة C.
All of these weapons belong to the Common rarity and are only good when you are just starting out. I suggest rerolling them as soon as you get the chance.
Rerolling weapons in Locked can be a double-edged sword and that's why you should only do it when you have low-tier weapons. If you are low on money, it's better to stick with the weapon you already have than to spend all of it on rerolling.
But once you've stacked up enough money, you should reroll. لاحظ أن الحصول على الأمر قد يكون أمرًا صعبًا بعض الشيء وأن كل إعادة يكلف 3000 ين ، لكن قد يكون الأمر يستحق كل هذا المتاعب إذا انتهى بك الأمر بسلاح أسطوري أو فريد في يدك.
While you are here, check out ourLocked Codespostfor sweet rewards. If you need codes for other games, check out ourRoblox Game Codeson Pro Game Guides.