Build a Candy empire in Pretty Pet Tycoon , a cute and fun strategy game!
After successfully managing their Pet Salon into a popular Spa and treatment facility for Pets Pretty Pet Tycoon sees the return of Piglina from Pretty Pet Salon, who has moved to a farm in the countryside to face the daunting task of building a mighty business empire.在那裡,她遇到了一個神秘的陌生人,她似乎使用她的水果農場有自己的世界統治計劃!
Pretty Pet Tycoon is a charming management strategy game that allows you to run a farm devoted to producing fruit.使用您的快速反射和精明的時間管理技能來幫助Piglina,Cupy和Pandingo以及她許多可愛且可愛的寵物朋友管理她的農場並賺取收入。 Pretty Pet Tycoon is a different management game twist to the traditional farm games out there where you not only harvest and produce your own goods but also package and ultimately sell them in your own Bar, Restaurant or Cafe.
生產,包裝和衝刺盡快生產出盡可能多的水果,然後將它們運到市場上並建立Piglina的果味帝國。招募農手,購買新設備,升級現有設備並管理高級水果加工設施,例如果汁工廠和糖果工廠!您要挑戰嗎? Download Pretty Pet Tycoon now!
Pretty Pet Tycoon is by Animoca, a leading Android Mobile Social Game Developer.它的熱門標題包括《星際女孩》,《漂亮的寵物沙龍》,《漂亮的寵物沙龍季節》,《我的寵物食品》,《漂亮的寵物玩具店》,《寵物咖啡廳》,《我的汽車沙龍》,《機器人5》,《灰姑娘咖啡館》,《水上城》,頂級模特,恆星逃生,森林逃生,森林防禦,覆蓋美女,bulba the Cat,Diner City,Diner City以及許多其他可愛,有趣的遊戲和娛樂遊戲和應用。
**請注意,當應用程序免費時,請注意,它包含可在用戶希望增強其遊戲體驗的真實資金的付費內容中。您可以使用密碼保護在此應用程序中使用密碼保護,可以從Google Play商店應用程序的設置頁面啟用此應用程序。 **