Keep fighting until Black Widow throws Cap his shield. Now he can block Ultron's energy blasts and throw his shield to hit Ultron from far away.
Eventually, hopping bricks will appear on the truck. Construct those and use the SHIELD Panel to chase Ultron off.
In their continuing quest to stop Ultron, the Avengers head to an out of control train.
Move forward, wiping out robots, until you're stopped by a glowing red aura. Anything that glows red is Scarlet Witch's domain. Swap to her character and use her powers to move the LEGO chairs.
Ahead, you'll find a fire roadblock. Put the fires out with Cap's shield jump and clear the debris with Scarlet Witch's magic. Defeat all the enemies in the train car with the missing floor, and construct the hopping brick to create a bridge.
That takes you to the front of the train where Cap can smother the fires and Scarlet Witch can use her powers on the red aura to bring this out of control ride to a halt.
Now, it's time to escape the city. You'll need to use teamwork to build a SHIELD panel.
Start by smashing the glowing LEGO car wrecks near the crashed train car. You'll see a “?” icon over a minifig in the train. Press [Circle / B] while near her with Scarlet Witch to take control and pull the lever in the train.
The doors will open, allowing you to build the first part of the SHIELD Panel. Next, run toward the foreground and check left. Use Scarlet Witch on the red aura of the overturned red car. It splits into two pieces; hopping bricks near the SHIELD Panel antennae, and half a red car to the left.
Smash the half car on the left and build the Shield Switch. Activate it to open the garage door. Break all the crates to find hopping bricks that build a Speed Boost Pad. Use Quicksilver on this blue ramp.
From the roof, smash the objects on the train below and construct a ladder so Scarlet Witch can climb on top of the train and use the rope to reach a different rooftop on the right. On the right rooftop, use Scarlet Witch on the fan's red aura.
Now you should have all the parts to complete the SHIELD Panel. Use it with Captain America to end the level.
Rise of Ultron
Red Bricks
Unlockable Character Tokens
Automatically Unlocked Character Tokens
Fast Dig
Klaue Henchman, Thunderstrike, Ultron Sentry
Ultron is levitating an entire city! Only the Avengers can stop this wild plot. Here, we start with Hulk scaling the floating chunk of dirt as the rest of the Avengers spread out to handle armies of cruel robotic minions.
This level starts out with Hulk and Black Widow.
Climb up with Hulk, but watch out for falling rocks. When you reach a hanging train, pull the stone from the ground and throw it at the cracked LEGO wall. That clears the way to continue climbing up!
Switch to Black Widow to hop off Hulk's back and jump into the vertical train. Build the hopping bricks to create brown hand-holds. Reach the very top to bring the whole train down.
Now for an interesting dynamic. Step closer to Hulk to jump on the big green giant's back. Now you control Hulk! Climb the wall, then switch to Black Widow so she can target and shoot the glowing red target. Continue up and shoot the second target to reach the next area.
Continue up one more wall and shoot all three bullet targets to reach solid ground.
You'll now be in the statue courtyard.
Move the red truck with Scarlet Witch then shatter the glass window with Hawkeye's sonic arrow. Construct the hopping bricks, then lift the red aura drill and move it around to clear the concrete from the wall.
Blast the exposed metal panels, cross the hand-holds, and break both blue garbage bins. Use Scarlet Witch on the leftover bricks, and move the ladder up to the LEGO spot above the ruined wall.
In the ruined house, smash the debris and use Scarlet Witch to lift up to the second floor. Smash all the kitchen stuff and melt the gold LEGO wall with a thermal arrow.
On the streets ahead, you'll rejoin Quicksilver and fight a small army of robots. To make things easier, use team-up attacks to clear the screen whenever lots of minions swarm your team.
You'll be on a street with a ton of fires.
Clear all the fires to the right and build the hopping bricks to create an Electrical Panel. Charge the device up with Thor's lightning, then jump through the new opening in the crashed train.
Smash all the glowing brick cars and debris on the right to create a Shield Switch. Activate it and cross the new pool of wet concrete to find yellow cracks and fires in your path. You know what to do – Captain America can smother the fires, and Thor can bash through the yellow cracks.
Use Captain America on the big “A” icon to reveal a Team-Up Pad. Combine Cap and Thor's powers to clear the area of marauding bots!
Ultron Undone
Red Bricks
Unlockable Character Tokens
Automatically Unlocked Character Tokens
Collect Ghost Studs
Thanos, Wasp (Classic), Ultron Sentry Officer
Iron Man (MK45), Ultimate Ultron, Vision, War Machine
Time to take out the trash. Ultron is cornered and the heroes are surrounded by an endless army of Ultrons. Let's bring this menace down together! Don't forget, after this battle is over, there are still three optional levels to complete.
The first thing you're going to want to do is get a bunch of civilians to safety.
As Iron Man, spin around the Helicarrier and look for smoking flyers. Fly really close and tap [Circle / B] to gently nudge each ferry home.
Now, like with Loki earlier, it's time to face Ultron.
For a lot of this fight, you'll move slowly and dodge attacks. When Ultron grabs you, tap the prompt to escape.
There's not a lot you can do but smash robots. Charge Thor's hammer to make robot-bashing even easier. Eventually, a yellow cracked wall will appear – bust it open with Thor, then melt the gold LEGO bricks using Vision's beam.
Now that the bell has fallen, run over to the center and use Vision's psychic power to really shake Ultron up! Beat up Ultron some more when he's exposed, then continue to fight goons while the shield is up.
Another gold wall will appear! Cut it down with Vision's beam, use psychic power to lift the organ, and charge the Electrical Panel using Thor's lightning hammer. Beat up Ultron a second time and grab Thor's hammer with Vision to shift to the next level phase.
Now, it's time for the final stand.
Defeat robots to charge Scarlet Witch's energy. When each 1/3rd of her power meter fills, you'll swap heroes. When her meter is full, press [Triangle / Y] to swap to her, hold her magic button, and reveal the Team-Up Pad. Combine Hawkeye with Quicksilver to continue the battle.
Now we have Thor and Iron Man to work with. Swap to Scarlet when her meter is full, release her energy blast, then combine Thor with Captain America.
The last team-up adds Hulk and Captain America to the fight. Smash everything in sight until Vision and Ultron get the final battle. Mash attack to combine everyone's powers and bring this villain down for good.
Lack of Insight
Red Bricks
Unlockable Character Tokens
Automatically Unlocked Character Tokens
Character Token detector
Batroc, Falcon (Classic), Winter Soldier
Brock Rumlow, Falcon
The Lack of Insight mission takes place during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier . The mission begins with Captain America hunting a known mercenary, but eventually an evil Hydra plot is uncovered, all while his old pal Bucky Barnes returns as the lethal Winter Soldier. Can Cap save the day?
Cap is going to need help pretty much immediately.
Use Brock Rumlow to shoot the target on the side of the boat to lower the ladder and let Cap climb up. Now Cap can move right and wall-jump up to the helipad. Construct the hopping bricks here.
Push the turn-style to raise a new hand-hold for the lower section of the ship. Use the new hand-hold to reach a forcefield that's shut down with the SHIELD Panel. There's a red, white and blue LEGO object at the base of the emergency dingies – smash it to build a Shield Switch. Place a shield in the Shield Switch and the orange boats will move out of your path.
Ahead, a gold turret will try to cut Cap and pal down to size. Double-jump with Cap to the glowing red hand-holds near the entrance to reveal a target. Shoot the target with Rumlow, build the hopping bricks, and use the Shield Panel to redirect bullets back at the gold turret.
Under the destroyed turret, put out the fires with Cap and pull the first of two switches. The first switch sends a platform with hand-hold to you, and the second switch sends the platform away. Pull the first switch to make the platform come to you, then switch to Rumlow and jump to the handhold. With Rumlow still on the hand-hold, pull the second switch with Cap.
On the other side of the ship, Rumlow can activate a Technology Panel. Activate all four rectangles and Cap will be able to jump across. Place both characters on the elevator switches to ride up, then smash both crates and construct. Push the green turn-styles to raise two poles that Cap can use to flip up to a high ladder.
When he reaches the ladder, it will fall, allowing both characters to climb up and use the SHIELD Panel.
You'll find yourself facing an ambush from Winter Soldier.
Start by defeating the five goons he sends your way. A goon with a huge gun appears after the first wave. Smash everything in the area to find hopping bricks on the right-side of the road.
Build and use the new Technology Panel with Black Widow. The dump truck will drop a colorful washing machine. Smash it and built the pieces into a Shield Pad. To defeat the minigunner, redirect his bullets at the gold LEGO bricks in the trunk of the car he's standing on top of.
When the chopper crashes, Black Widow can reveal a Team-Up Pad through the “A” aura. Combine Captain America with Black Widow to pull the helicopter wreck down.
Construct the new hopping bricks to build a tiny helicopter! Ride the mini-copter and target Winter Soldier's car to complete the battle.
While you've escaped Winter Soldier's ambush, the twists and turns are far from over, and Captain America still has a Hydra plot to foil. This part starts with Captain America and Falcon on the Hydra Helicarrier attempting to shut it down, though they'll have to go up against Winter Soldier to do so.
Before you can begin the shutdown process, travel to the two foreground stations to the left and right of your starting spot.
Smash the glowing LEGO crate and construct at each of these two stations. An orange grapple handle will appear, which Falcon can pull, then a Shield Switch needs to be activated. When both Shield Switchs are used, you can now continue.
To open the core, pull both switches in the left and right upper control rooms. To get to the left switch, wall-jump up the agility walls with Cap. The right switch is easier to reach, you just need to fly up there with Falcon!
The core will open after both switches are used. Use Cap on the core and Bucky will attack – press the prompts as they appear to fight the villain!
Continue to fight down below. If Winter Soldier stuns one character, quickly swap and attack to free either Captain America or Falcon. When Bucky retreats, dodge his shots until he drops back down. There's no trick to this fight, just keep bashing Winter Soldier until his hearts are depleted.
Ready AIM Fire
Red Bricks
Unlockable Character Tokens
Automatically Unlocked Character Tokens
Gold Brick detector
Ellen Brandt, Maya Hansen, Aldrich Killian
Harley Keener, Iron Man (MK42), Iron Patriot, Pepper Potts (MK42)
Now, it's time for Iron Man 3 . Tony Stark is in some hot water with a villainous organization called AIM Not only do they destroy his house and smash his suit, they also kidnap the president! Only Tony Stark (and you, the player!) can save the day.
This level opens with Iron Man's mansion getting blown up after Tony calls out the Mandarin.
Starting out, Tony doesn't have access to any armor suits. See that huge pile of glowing blue bricks? Tony can repair it!
After watching a short scene, swap to Pepper Potts and use the MK 42 suit's beam to cut through the gold wall. Now switch to Tony and use the Technology Panel to the right closer to the foreground.
The arm bot will put out the fire, allowing Pepper to shoot rockets at the metal LEGO bricks to smash the pile. Now Iron Man can get his armor back. Pepper can cross the fire by hopping on the bouncy object to the left, grab the pole, and swing over to Tony.
Next, scan the Christmas Tree and melt all three baubles with Iron Man's beam. Construct the pieces and double-jump to the glowing hand-hold with Pepper Potts. Fix the glowing blue pile, construct the helicopter crash bricks to create a new turret. Hop on to fight the rest of the helicopters.
Following Iron Man's crash, he ends up in small town America with none other than Harley Keener.
Move right to the snow pile near the starting point and scan the glowing “A” aura. Switch to the little kid and shoot the target that appears on the lamp post. Once the snow melts, use Tony to fix the four-wheeler. Hop on to crash through the fence and smash the generator.
That's one generator taken care of. The second is down the left side of the street. Shoot the target with Harley and smash the glowing bricks nearby. Push the turn-style and enter the shop once the bad guys are defeated.
Repair the glowing, smoking bricks to create a fan! Jump onto the hand-hold with Harley and ride to the roof where you'll find the second generator. Smash it to turn off the electricity in the center of town.
Without all that dangerous electrical current, you can break through the roadblock of cars in the middle of the area. Here you'll do battle with a fire-ball throwing AIM Agent. If she gives you hot-foot, swap to another character and attack!
Defeat bad guys as they appear until the boss returns to street level. Hit her three times and she'll retreat into the diner. Dodge her fireballs until she throws enough LEGO junk to leave behind hopping bricks. Build them to defeat the boss and continue the hunt for the Mandarin.
It's time for the final showdown with Aldrich Killian.
Everything is going nuts at the dockyard. Cross the blue shipping containers and defeat all the bad guys ganging up on Iron Man's huge blue armor suit. Continue flying right until another yellow shipping container catches on fire.
Beneath the closed little shed, there's a gold wall. Melt through it and jump into the shed above to use the Technology Panel. Now you're free to fly toward the large lift in the background. Blow up the metal LEGO crates here and build.
You'll create a turn-style and orange button. Make sure one hero is standing on the button while the other pushes the green side of the turn-style and the lift will move upward.
To get through the debris at the top of the elevator, smash the two crates to the left and melt the gold ROXXON sign above. Construct all the hopping bricks to create two devices; now all you have to do is stand on the button until the meter is full.
Dodge the Mandarin's attacks until he drops down to fight. Take off a few hearts and he'll retreat again, forcing you to dodge another round of fire-breath. The cycle continues another third and fourth times before a yellow platform will lower with a broken Technology Panel.
Switch to Tony and repair the panel, then use it to end the battle.
Lost in The Aether
Red Bricks
Unlockable Character Tokens
Automatically Unlocked Character Tokens
Minikit detector
Hogun, Malekith, Kurse
Erik Selvig, Erik Selvig (Untidy), Fandral, Jane Foster, Loki (No Helmet), Sif, Volstagg,
Finally, the last optional mission we have on this list is Lost in the Aether, which retells the events of Thor: The Dark World , in which the titular God of Thunder takes on Malekith and his Dark Elves. This is the last story mission, but there is still plenty to do. Go out and explore the different hubs to find all sorts of unique characters and challenges, or dive into Free Play for even more adventures.
This level opens with Thor and his friends dealing with a dark elf attack on Asgard.
Run down the hall and smash the glowing yellow pile to the right of the exit door. Bust open the statue, too! Push the turn-style and charge the Electrical Panel with Thor's lightning hammer.
Take the stairs up and target the debris with Thor to smash through the roadblock. In the courtyard ahead, smash twenty-five enemies and bust through the door to the next area.
The giant monster escapes through a locked door. Follow it and break the glowing LEGO objects at the base of the stairs leading to the door. Build the first part of the ram and a pillar will explode, leaving behind even more hopping bricks. Build those too, and the third pile appears to the left to finish the ram.
After the events of the previous part, Thor and Loki end up on Svartalheim.
At the center, bust all the rocks and construct to create a giant chisel. Use the chisel with Loki until a statue pops out with yellow cracks. That's a job for Thor to break open. The monster will return and open a portal. Press the button prompt to escape.
Build the hopping bricks that fall from the sky an use Loki on the giant shovel to dig out new objects. Use the shovel three times and smash all three LEGO objects to construct a giant ship.
Charge the Electrical Panel with Thor to launch the ship and force the monster into a final confrontation. Thor will automatically jump into battle with the monster – press the buttons that appear to finally defeat it.
好吧,我們在這裡。 The end of our LEGO Marvel's Avengers journey, and that's also bringing us back to Earth, where Thor will finally take on and defeat Malekith and his army in London.
Smash the glowing bricks on the right and construct the pieces into a water spout. Follow the blue hose to the Technology Panel further right.
Now the helicopter isn't on fire anymore. Break it, build the alien device, and activate the switch. Next, use Jane Foster to scan the glowing “A” aura. Finally, Thor joins the team. Attack the bad guy, then fight fifteen more monsters.
Take two more hearts off the bad guy, and he'll escape while a rampaging monster leaves behind hopping bricks. Built those and push the green turn-style to activate the second alien device. Scan the “A” aura area behind the second alien device with Jane Foster.
Thor returns while twenty-five soldiers attack. Clear the area of bad guys, then call down lightning when the boss keeps Thor pinned with his beam of dark energy. Tap the attack button to launch an electricity attack to break free.
And with that done, you've officially finished LEGO Marvel's Avengers , with a little help with our walkthrough and guide to all the game's puzzles.
UPDATE: The above article was updated on 1/28/25 by Escapist Editorialas part of a project to modernize, re-edit, and add value to existing guides from earlier in the publication's history. The original version of this article was published on 08/24/17.