為令人興奮的單詞和字母遊戲做好準備。 " Alphabite - Word Scrabble" is a word scrabble game with great user interface and awesome sound effects. The game " Alphabite - Word Scrabble" is about identifying the missing letters from the collection of moving letters to complete the word.該遊戲帶來了很多曲折和驚喜。識別單詞並享受遊戲充滿令人興奮的驚喜和充滿挑戰的曲折。
“ Alphabite -Word Crabble”是提高您的響應技能和詞彙技能的理想遊戲。快速地從隨機字母的移動集合中拾取正確的字母,以完成單詞。猜猜正確的字母以完成這個詞。您越快識別單詞得分的最大點。記住並保持專注!您可能會在選擇錯誤的信件時失去積分。在您用完點並完成水平之前猜猜這個詞。隨著您達到更高的水平,水平的複雜性增加並變得更具挑戰性。 The game " Alphabite " gives lot many boosters to help you identify the letters faster by highlighting the right letters, removing the wrong letters from the collection and lot more.集中精力,永遠不要錯過助推器。
該遊戲提高了詞彙技能,響應技能和集中技能,非常適合從孩子到青少年到成年人的所有年齡段玩家。每當您感到無聊並感到放鬆時,玩遊戲。您會喜歡游戲的。 Download the game " Alphabite - Word Scrabble" and conquer the world of alphabets and words.!
We are constantly working hard on making the “ Alphabite - Word Scrabble” game better and more entertaining for you.我們需要您不斷的支持才能開始。請隨時給我們發送電子郵件以獲取任何查詢/建議/問題,或者您只想打招呼。我們很想听聽您的來信。 If you have enjoyed any feature of the “ Alphabite - Word Scrabble” game, do not forget to rate us on play store.