“如果你在生活中亏钱,有点丢失,但失去了失败者……斯瓦米·维维卡南达(Swami Vivekananda)。”如果您的设备可以完美地显示用引号写的泰卢固语句子,则您的设备支持如果您看不到任何文本,或者某些单词不正确,那么Swarachakra可能无法正常工作。
Swarachakra Telugu (Swarachakra也可以在印地语,马拉地语,古吉拉特语,卡纳达语,马拉雅拉姆语,奥迪亚,旁遮普语,孟加拉语,孟加拉语,康卡尼和泰米尔语中使用)。
Swarachakra使用基于Dravidian脚本的结构的逻辑设计。 Swarachakra显示了根据Dravidian脚本的逻辑结构进行测序的辅音,并进行了分组和布置
In Telugu lipi, we frequently need to type a combination of a consonant ( క ) and a matra ( ఒత్తులు ) (ొ) like క + ొ = కొ . When you touch a consonant, a chakra with combination of consonants and 10 frequent matras pops up ( క్, కా, కి, కీ, కు, కూ, కె, కే, కొ, కో ).脉轮提供了可能的角色组合。要选择一个组合,请将手写笔或手指滑向其。
Typing conjunct like క్క, క్ష, క్త are particularly hard for most people. Swarachakra使它变得容易。
Swarachakra then shows a preview of all possible conjuncts that begin with that consonant ( హల్లులు ) ( క + ్ + త ) = క్త; ః + + = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = If you need to add a matra, select it from the new chakra like earlier ( క్క, క్ఖ, క్గ, క్ఘ, క్ఙ ...).
The other example could be for building difficult combination of consonants like జ్యోత్స్న has to be typed as ( జ్య + ో = జ్యో ) + ( త్స + ్ + న = త్స్న ) = జ్యోత్స్న
Complete vowels ( అ, ఆ, ఇ, ఈ, ఉ, ఊ, ఎ, ఏ, ఒ, ఓ ) appear in a separate chakra on the bottom left on pressing letter అ . The extra vowels ( ఐ, ఔ ) will appear upfront in the right bottom of the keypad. Rarely used vowels and matras ( ఋ, ౠ, ఌ, ౡ, ౕ, ౖ, ౘ, ౙ, ఽ ) will appear pressing the letter ఋ .数字和符号出现在偏移上。您也可以临时切换到Qwerty键盘输入英语字符。
通过单击上面的“安装”按钮安装Swarachakra Telugu,然后按照以下步骤操作:
1. Open “Settings” in your device
2 。
3. Finally, click on the “Default” option in the “Keyboard and Input methods” section, and select తెలుగు స్వరచక్రం (Swarachakra Telugu) as the default keyboard.
注意:Swarachakra专为Android 4.0(ICS)及以上版本而设计。它现在在较旧版本上不起作用,因为它们没有Unicode支持。