inLoop将您连接到您所在地区最好的EDM派对的完整日历,并提供高级门票,访客列表提供,余后信息甚至SecretSoirées!想知道其他地方发生了什么吗? inLoop让您在世界各地的主要聚会中心浏览活动!
- 在您所在地区找到地下音乐活动,按日期,风格和流派组织
- Plan your party itinerary more than a month in advance
- Purchase advanced tickets or get listed for upcoming events at the press of a button
- Keep track of your party schedule in 'My Events'
- Browse event listings even when underground without a connection; literally, in a warehouse or a subway
- Search for events by artist, venue and party name
- Get map and directions to a club, private party or a rave
- Follow your favorite DJs by knowing when and where they perform next
- Liked a party and want to check it out again? Search for it as it moves from venue to venue
- Designed for Android 2.2 & up
When you open the inLoop Android app, your event calendar comes loaded with the hottest parties in the underground music scene. Sign up, and you gain access to the most exclusive guest lists (we only ask for your name and email). Otherwise, just use inLoop to get the details for the next happening party. If you like to go out and listen to music, this is the tool for you.通过DJ,类型或事件名称过滤 - 在需要时找到您想要的东西!
- 固定偶尔挂在飞溅屏幕上
- 固定偶尔脱离连接的状态,这导致缺失区域和流派
- 固定网络不可用时挂起
- 改进的活动下载速度
- 注册信息不再丢失
- 修复了在注册失败期间处理错误
- 您的活动评级现在正确更新