Like many farming simulator games, Fields of Mistria also features a fishing mini-game. The rarest fish you can obtain in F ields of Mistria are Legendary Fish, and here's how you can catch them all.
There are four Legendary Fish that you can catch in Fields of Mistria . They are very rare, but luckily, the game is kind enough to inform you at the start of the day. If you receive an “A legendary fish is nearby” notification, you can spend the day fishing for these special fish.
Note that players must unlock the Legendary skill in the Fishing Skill tree. This skill is located in Tier 3 and costs 80 Essences to unlock. Once you have it, Legendary Fish will start spawning.新玩家不太可能能在第一年捕获所有四条鱼,但是请务必在第二年开始之前解锁这项技能。
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季节 | 春天 |
天气 | 风 |
尺寸 | 小的 |
地点 | 池塘 |
The first Legendary Fish you can catch is the Cherry Fish, which only spawns in Spring. This fish prefers to swim in ponds, but I recommend visiting the large pond on the eastern side of the city. You'll also need to pay attention to the weather, as this Legendary Fish only appears on Windy days. The fish is small, so ignore large shadows that swim in the water. If you have trouble finding one in the large pond, you can also try the smaller pond near the Manor House in Mistria Town.
季节 | 夏天 |
天气 | Rainy, Rain, and Storm |
尺寸 | 中等的 |
地点 | 河 |
The second Legendary Fish in Fields of Mistria is the Lightning Fish. This fish only appears in Summer, and you'll need to look out for Stormy weather if you want to catch it. The Lightning Fish can be found in the rivers at the Narrows on the west side of the city. There are two stretches of river you can visit to catch it. However, you might also want to check other rivers, such as those in the city or on your farm. Look for medium-sized shadows, as this fish is relatively large.
季节 | 落下 |
天气 | 风 |
尺寸 | 小的 |
地点 | 河 |
The third Legendary Fish, the Leaf Fish, can only be caught in the Fall. Like the Lightning Fish, you need to check rivers. I personally recommend the rivers along the Eastern Road. This fish will only appear on Windy days, similar to the Cherry Fish. It's small in size, so look for smaller shadows in the water.
季节 | 冬天 |
天气 | Snow and Blizzard |
尺寸 | 中等的 |
地点 | 海滩 |
The final Legendary Fish you can catch in Fields of Mistria is the Snow Fish. It only appears in Winter, on Snowy days. To find it, head to the beach. In addition to fishing from the shore, I suggest swimming through the ocean to reach the small island on the west. Be cautious around other fish, as they may swim away if you get too close. Like the Lightning Fish, the Snow Fish is medium-sized, so it should be easier to spot.
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Once you catch a Legendary Fish, you need to donate it to the Museum. You must catch all four Legendary Fish to receive a reward – a set of Fish Wings. The items you receive will depend on your progress in the Museum collection. However, you can expect to receive furniture, a recipe, and possibly a treasure chest containing additional rewards.
And that's everything you need to know on how to catch all Legendary Fish in Fields of Mistria .
Fields of Mistriais available to play on PC.