PokémonGo的活动时间表于2025年2月包括最新活动,例如Lunar New Year Celebration和Karrablast&Shelmet的社区日。 With even Dynamax Moltres being featured, here's every event happening this month.
现在可以使用直到2月2日当地时间下午08:00的结束日期,《 Lunar new Year 2025》活动是PokémonGO玩家庆祝农历新年的有趣方式。
Being the Year of the Snake, Pokémon GO’s Lunar New celebration increases the spawn rates of snake-themed Pokémon like Ekans. Here is the complete list with increased encounter rates as confirmed in the Lunar New Year announcement post:
Lunar新年还带来了活动奖金,例如获得更多的机会在交易中获得幸运的神奇宝贝,并与其他培训师成为幸运的朋友。 Most notably, Pokémon GO players participating in the Lunar New Year can unlock daily Field Research tasks that will earn them free PokéCoins.
The 2KM Egg pool has also been changed during the event to hatch the following Pokémon:
2月在PokémonGo举行的下一个大型活动将是Dyanmax Moltres在其正在进行的传奇飞行活动的最后一周的首次亮相。
从2月3日的06:00至07:00 pm 07:00,Dynamax Moltres将为PokémonGo玩家提供最大的周一老板,这是游戏中所有强大的大师。该小时过去了,Dynamax Moltres仍将在2月9日之前进行挑战,但是由于Squirtle,Krabby和Sobble也将成为Max Battle Bosses,直到2月10日,它才能达到很多。
这场回归活动不仅使PokémonGO玩家有机会在最初的三个小时内通过增加的相遇来耕种Karrablast和Shehmet Candies,而且还可以获得演变奖金,并且在寻找光泽的情况下也可以更好。
如果您在2025年2月16日下午10:00之前进化了Karrablast或Shehmet,您将分别获得一个毫无疑问的Escavalier,该Escavalier知道特色的带电攻击Razor Shell或Accelgor知道能量球。
The details haven't been revealed yet, but we will be updating this guide as soon as we know more.
The unannounced boss for Pokémon GO’s February Raid Day will take place on Saturday, February 15 from 02:00 PM until 05:00 PM local time.
When the February Raid schedule is announced, we will update the information on this Raid Day with the up-to-date details.
Like Beloved Buddies and the Raid Day, its details haven't been revealed yet, but we'll share them as soon as we know more.
通往UNOVA活动的道路是三月的《神奇宝贝Go Tour tour unova:全球赛事》的领导,该活动将于2025年2月24日星期一,上午10:00开始,并于周六结束
这是一个非常繁重的一周的活动,其中包括《闪亮》梅洛塔(Shiny Meloetta)的《神奇宝贝Go》(PokémonGo)首次亮相,这是一系列以Gen-5传奇人物为特色的突袭,是Unovan StarterPokémon的产卵率更高,高级定时研究和奖励等等。
To fill up your Pokédex even more during February's events, find out how to evolve Magnezone into Magnezone in Pokémon GO . If you're a competitive player, be sure to check out the best Eevee evolution you can use in the game, too.
Pokemon Gois现在可以玩。