您的直觉告诉您什么? Who's Lying , and who has been telling the truth all along?作为调查员,您将收到一个秘密的词,您的任务是在不具体的情况下描述它,因为任何人都可能是骗子。目标很简单:确定冒名顶替者并消除它们!
如果您坐在舒适的椅子上,识别冒名顶替者可能会更容易。 To purchase your favorite one, you'll need Coins, and the easiest way to get them is by redeeming Who's Lying codes. If you're interested in a similar game where you can also obtain freebies, visit our list of Imposters and Roles codes.
Related : Spindown Codes
Redeeming Who's Lying codes for Coins is easy if you follow these steps:
Bookmark this page (CTRL+D) and check back often if you want to grab the latest Who's Lying codes because we do our best to find them all and place them here for easy access.
如果您想扩大对游戏的了解或了解有关潜在特殊事件的更多信息,请访问开发人员的社交媒体渠道,例如谁的SUS? Roblox group or the Who's SUS? Discord服务器。
Who's Lying codes usually contain both letters and numbers, and that's why it's fairly easy to make a typo when entering them.避免不必要的拼写问题的最佳方法是从我们的列表中复制代码并将其直接粘贴到游戏中。另外,尝试尽快赎回它们,因为开发人员可以在短短几天后将其拆除。
Who's Lying is a Roblox detective game in which players must find out who's honest and who is lying.在每回合之前,每个人都会扮演角色,有些球员必须欺骗其他球员以避免消除。提出问题,注意人们说的话,并在骗子获胜之前投票出去。但是,如果您必须撒谎,请尝试创新和偷偷摸摸。
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