It's not a Pokemon TCG Pocket update without a few Secret Missions. In fact, Space-Time Smackdown, which focuses on the Sinnoh region, introduces several new quests that players have to figure out. Here are all five Secret Missions in Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown and how to complete them.
秘密任务名称 | 秘密任务要求 | 秘密任务奖励 |
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1 | 收集以下卡: Bidoof Alt Art Combee Alt Art Croagunk Alt Art Drifloon Alt Art Heatran Alt Art Lucario Alt Art Mamoswine Alt Art Mesprit Alt Art Regigigas Alt Art Shaymin Alt Art Shinx Alt Art Tangrowth Alt Art | 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets |
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2 | 收集以下卡: Carnivine Alt Art Cresselia Alt Art Garchomp Alt Art Gastrodon Alt Art Giratina Alt Art Glameow Alt Art Hippopotas Alt Art Manaphy Alt Art Rhyperior Alt Art Rotom Alt Art Spiritomb Alt Art Staraptor Alt Art | 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets |
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3 | 收集以下卡: Darkrai EX Rainbow Gallade EX Rainbow Pachirisu EX Rainbow Yanmega EX Rainbow | 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets |
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4 | 收集以下卡: Infernape EX Rainbow Lickilicky EX Rainbow Mismagius EX Rainbow Weavile EX Rainbow | 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets |
Champion of the Sinnoh Region | 收集以下卡: Cynthia Super Rare Garchomp Alt Art Gastrodon Alt Art Lucario Alt Art Spiritomb Alt Art | Garchomp Emblem |
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In order to become the Sinnoh champ, players will need to know how to get their hands on the Space-Time Smackdown cards.好吧,在2025年1月30日之后, Pokemon TCG Pocket更新,游戏中有两个新的助推器包,一个包含Dialga,另一个配备Palkia。
However, the packs house very different checklists, meaning players need to know which pack to open to get the cards they're looking for.由于时空SmackDown的秘密任务集中在替代艺术上,因此在这里可以找到完成所有Pokemon TCG Pocket Quests所必需的每一个。
要打开很多包,以获取Pokemon TCG TCG Pocket时空Smackdown中秘密任务所需的所有卡片。 However, the booster packs aren't going anywhere anytime soon, since the January 30th update kept both Genetic Apex and Mythical Island around. So, there's no reason for players to get discouraged if they don't pull anything wild in the event's first couple of weeks.
And that's all five Secret Missions in Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown and how to complete them.
口袋妖怪TCG Pocketis现在在移动设备上可用。