In a game like Goofy Gods, it's better to listen to some incredible music to take your mind off all the chaos happening on the map.因此,如果您是藏身之处,并且在居住在逃避众神的地方时不断感到无聊,我强烈建议您查看以下歌曲的播放列表。
Below, I have made a collection of songs for you to listen to inside Goofy Gods. The list has a mix of jazz, pop, techno, and even the trending phonk music. Try every one of them and share your favorite one in the comment section.
歌名 | ID代码 |
Arabic Night | 1845937641 |
bailando | 1837255873 |
大个子 | 9040178427 |
混乱 | 1843497734 |
Claire De | 1838457617 |
Clicky Noise | 6782202354 |
Coming Around | 1839496814 |
滴 | 6695430066 |
一切 | 1837014514 |
爆炸 | 6847929757 |
战斗机 | 1843567812 |
Flexin On Da Gram | 9043876028 |
Get Busy - Yeat | 9042248317 |
起床 | 1847463819 |
Ghostmane | 6688246112 |
更高 | 9039747581 |
Ichi Ni San | 6797864253 |
Im Boot | 7674742159 |
在巴黎 | 1835357389 |
Jugsta | 15689450026 |
爱 | 1840052899 |
Love It Baby | 1836833641 |
Love Money | 1839542698 |
行进 | 1837577354 |
或许 | 9047324992 |
融化 | 16831106078 |
神秘 | 6868100434 |
No Pares | 1837255793 |
没有问题 | 9038185589 |
Quandro | 1839555069 |
Play a Hittin | 15689443076 |
Pagame | 9038768948 |
压力 | 1847464127 |
Rare Gem | 6788646778 |
跑步 | 1841873601 |
莎莎 | 1836028186 |
Scary Creatures | 9333230732 |
阴影 | 184622780 |
情况 | 6925558165 |
头骨破碎机 | 1842558494 |
Sorry About That | 7405233417 |
Sun Dont Shine | 16831105725 |
技术金属 | 1846612949 |
泰 | 6674211522 |
东京 | 5410085694 |
训练有素 | 1846237520 |
Two Birds On a Wire | 12482621601 |
视频 | 9042394889 |
Work It Out | 1847479182 |
To listen to music in Goofy Gods, you must purchase the Boombox game for 299 Robux. Yes, you read it correctly. Listening to or playing songs is a premium feature and requires you to spend Robux. You can make this purchase inside the game or from the store section of the game.
After purchasing the item, you can equip it and pull it out during any of the games. Once you have opened it, you will find an input text box where you can copy and paste the above codes to listen to songs.
For more on Song ID Codes, Check out Roblox Driving Empire Song/Radio ID Codes or Roblox A Dusty Trip Song ID Codes