Jujutsu Odyssey中的PVP和PVE都是无情的,如果您不使用最佳的被诅咒技术,那么您将有一段时间(以糟糕的方式)。 So, to help you out, we analyzed them all and ranked all CTs from best to worst. Here is our ultimate Jujutsu Odyssey Cursed Technique tier list !
层 | 被诅咒的技术 |
S+ | Shrine (Sukuna Vessel), Limitless |
s | Disaster Flames |
一个 | Cursed Speech, Boogie Woogie |
b | Soul Guitar, Cloning |
You can find the tier list of all Cursed Techniques in Jujutsu Odyssey in the table above . Generally, Shrine and Limitless are the best CTs in JJO, though Disaster Flames is fairly close to them in terms of performance. Other CTs all pack a lot less punch compared to the three legendary ones.
Below is the list of all Cursed Techniques (CTs) in Jujutsu Odyssey , including their movesets. Note that only legendary-rarity CTs have domain expansion moves , which makes them by far the best in the game. For showcases of each move, visit the Jujutsu Odyssey Trello.
被诅咒的技术 | 稀有 | 移动 | 层 |
![]() Shrine (Sukuna Vessel) | 传奇 | • Dismantle - Unleash devastating slashes on your enemy (Requirements: 3 Skill Points) •收割者的撤退- 迅速向后冲,释放了向前移动的斜线,该斜线将其切成任何路径中的任何东西(要求:3个技能点,精通级别20) • Demon's Wrath - Seize your victim, slam them down, and hurl them away with brutal force (Requirements: 3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 31) • Cleave - Jump and deliver a power wide-reaching slash that slices through multiple targets (Requirements: 3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 37) •深红色网络- 触摸地面以标记斜线的网络,该网络吸引了任何人抓住的人(要求:3个技能点,精通级别58) • Ascendant Slash 1 - Rush in to send your opponents flying upward (Requirements: 3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 72) • Ascendant Slash 2 - Ascendant Slash now finishes caught enemies with a devastating slice (Requirements: 2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 91) • Abyssal Firebolt-凝结着充满诅咒能量的火热箭头,将其发射以用强烈的火焰焚化您的目标(要求; 3个技能点,掌握85级) •域扩展:恶毒神社- 释放一个无障碍域,可确保精确的,毁灭性的斜线,确保其范围内的敌人无法逃脱(要求:12个技能点,精通级别,精通级别120) •觉醒:Enchain-让Ryomen Sukuna的精神暂时接管,因为您获得了大规模的功率增长,赋予了2%的减少损害,并增加了40%的诅咒能量。 your basic attacks in this state now become traveling slashes (Requirements: 10 Skill Points, Mastery Level 91) • Special M1’s • Dodge This - Cast Cleave while dodging | S+ |
![]() 无限 | 传奇 | •蓝色蓝色- 创造出吸引力的磁性力,猛烈地将物体和目标朝向摧毁破坏的中心点(要求:3个技能点) •无穷大- 通过停止以无限距离接近用户接近用户的任何东西,使您无法接触,使您无法接触(要求:3个技能点,掌握28级) •最大输出:蓝色- 诅咒能量的集中激增,可以放大蓝色的拉力,在其焦点处产生巨大的破坏性内爆(要求:3个技能点,精通水平36) •逆转红色- 通过颠倒蓝色的特性产生驱逐力量,释放出强大的冲击波,将所有东西猛烈地推开(要求:3个技能点,掌握46级) •最大输出:红色- 逆转的加强版本:红色,释放出巨大的排斥冲击波,能够用压倒性的力量消除其路径中的一切(要求:3个技能点,精通级别59) •我现在理解- 立即将您的目标传送在您的目标后面,并释放出毁灭性的逆转红色(要求:3个技能点,精通级别66) •虚构技术:紫色- 蓝色和红色的融合,创造了一种不可阻挡的弹丸,通过将吸引力和排斥力结合到纯粹的破坏性能量中,从而消除其轨迹中的所有内容(要求:3个技能点,精通级别80) •空心紫色- 蓝色和红色的毁灭性融合形成了一个巨大的能量球,它用无与伦比的破坏力消灭了路径中的一切(要求:3个技能点,精通级别99) •域扩展:无限的空间- 创建一个无限的空间,以无限的知识和刺激使目标淹没目标,使它们固定和无防御能力(要求:12个技能点,精通级别125) | S+ |
![]() Disaster Flames | 传奇 | Volcanic Eruption - Erupt a volcano to blast enemies upwards (Requirements: 3 Skill Points) Hellfire Beam - Unleashes a concentrated beam of molten fire (Requirements: 3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 17) 熔融降雨- 飞跃和爆炸向下燃烧,形成一个熔融的湖泊池,焚化了以下所有内容(要求:3个技能点,掌握30级) 地狱抓地力- 从地面上召唤大量的火力,启动了强大的爆炸(要求:3个技能点,精通级别48) 爆炸的头骨爆发- 吞噬了受害者的头,然后用火热的爆炸从后面炸开(要求:6个技能点,精通54级) 域扩展:铁山的棺材- 吞噬了战场上的熔融火山景观,释放了激烈的,不可避免的基于火灾的攻击,焚化了被困在其边界内的敌人(需求:12个技能点,精通78级) Hellfire Incarnate - [Awakening] - Become engulfed in flames, and any enemy that strikes you suffers intense burn damage. You also receive a 65% boost in cursed energy (Requirements: 10 Skill Points, Mastery Level 61) Maximum Technique: Meteor - Launch a meteor at the target location, dealing massive damage in a wide area | s |
![]() Boogie Woogie | 稀有的 | Clap - Instantly swap positions with any ally or enemy within range (Requirements: 3 Skill Points) Upgrade - Clap II - Increase the range of your Boogie Woogie (Requirements: 2 Skill Points) 传送的石头罢工- 向您的敌人扔石头,并在撞击后立即传送到它们,发出强大的滴队(要求:3个技能点) 布吉·马克(Boogie Mark) - 马克·艾莉(Mark Ally)或敌人(Mark Ally)或敌人(Mark Ally),每当拍手时与他们切换并在范围内(要求:3个技能点,掌握级别23) Upgrade - Boogie Mark II - Mark 2 people at once; when you clap, they will switch positions if within range of each other (Requirements: 2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 30) 欺骗性的suplex-拍手,如果在拍手过程中击中,您会传送到攻击者并用巨大的力量猛击他们(要求:4个技能点,掌握34级) Upgrade - Deceptive Suplex II - Using Deceptive Suplex now resets the cooldown on your Clap (Requirements: 2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 60) 回荡着猛击- 向您的敌人冲向敌人,使用布吉·沃吉(Boogie Woogie)传送并从各个角度发出一系列不可阻挡的,毁灭性的打击(要求:5个技能点,掌握级别46) 精神分裂症的超负荷 - [觉醒] - 召唤高田,以提高您的士气和战斗精神,使您在被诅咒的能量中增强了45% Heartfelt Strike - Grab the enemy and deal moderate damage to them | 一个 |
![]() 被诅咒的言语 | 稀有的 | Don't Move - Freeze your enemy in place (Requirements: 3 Skill Points) 被压碎(可以持续更长的时间) - 用被诅咒的言语粉碎受害者(要求:3个技能点,掌握15级) Cough Syrup - Protects you from taking damage from any Cursed Speech skill for the next 3 uses (Requirements: 3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 35) Upgrade - Cough Syrup II - Cough Syrup now protects you for the next 5 uses (Requirements: 2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 56) Explode - Make your enemy explode in flames, damaging them and those around them (Requirements: 4 Skill Points, Mastery Level 50) Blast Away - Send your opponent's flying as blast them away (Requirements: 5 Skill Points, Mastery Level 60) Passive - Resistance - You no longer take damage from using cursed speech skills (Requirements: 4 Skill Points, Mastery Level 75) | 一个 |
![]() Soul Guitar | 常见的 | 谐振丝- 释放出强大的吉他弹奏,在射程中发出诅咒能量,破坏性和惊人的敌人的冲击波(要求:3个技能点) 电力即兴演奏- 通过激烈的吉他即兴即兴即兴来通道诅咒能量,为毁灭性的谐振释放增强能量(要求:3个技能点,掌握28级) | b |
![]() 克隆 | 常见的 | Technique: Clone - Create an exact clone of yourself that follows you and fights whatever enemies approach them. Clones stay longer based on your mastery (Requirements: 3 Skill Points) Passive - Clone II - Have two clones active at the same time (Requirements: 3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 20) Blaze of Glory - All active clones will immediately focus their cursed energy to self-destruct (Requirements: 3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 35) | b |
To get a Cursed Technique in Jujutsu Odyssey, you need to use a special item called the Cursed Womb . Note that you will lose the Cursed Womb if you leave the game while it's in your hotbar . If you want to save it, use the inventory storage . Here is the list of all the ways to get a Cursed Womb in Jujutsu Odyssey :
That concludes our Jujutsu Odyssey (JJO) Cursed Technique tier list. For more content just like this, including the tier list of all clans in Jujutsu Odyssey, visit the guides category here on Pro Game Guides.