Out of the three status conditions in Pokemon TCG Pocket , Sleep is the biggest nuisance by far. While there is only one way to cure it, unlucky players could have it cost them the game. Here is everything to know about Sleep in Pokemon TCGP and how to cure it.
当TCG口袋里的口袋妖怪以睡眠状态施加时,口袋妖怪无法执行任何攻击或能力,或者撤退到长凳上。 Until it can be cured, your snoozing Pokemon is essentially a sitting duck in your active spot.
There are only two ways to cure Sleep in Pokemon TCG Pocket overall: getting Heads on a coin toss that occurs each turn or evolving it.
The turn-based coin toss is a status check to see if your Pokemon will overcome its affliction or not.由于在您和您的对手的每一转弯中都会进行一次硬币折腾,因此可以将口袋妖怪的睡眠固化到一圈。
Pokemon TCGP中治愈睡眠状态的第三种秘密方法是使用Koga Trainer卡,它使您可以将Snooing Weezing或Muk退还给您的手。 However, this card is only applicable to those two Pokemon.
Related: Best Dialga Ex Decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket
当前有八张卡可以造成睡眠状态口袋妖怪TCG袋,包括Darkai,Wigglytuff和Hypno,后者是迄今为止游戏中最具竞争力的。 You'll find the full list, and their methods, and how to get them in the full list below:
Sleep Card | 方法 | 如何获得 |
Darkrai (A2 109) | Through its attack, Dark Void, as a guaranteed effect | Space-Time Smackdown (Dialga) |
Flabebe (A1a 036) | Using its move, Hypnotic Gaze, as a guaranteed effect | 神话岛 |
Frosmoth (A1 093) | With its Powder Snow attack, also a guaranteed status effect | 遗传顶点 |
Hypno (A1 125) | Using its ability, Sleep Pendulum, based on a coin flip | Genetic Apex (Pikachu) |
Jigglypuff (PA 022) | The guaranteed effect of its Sing attack | 促进-A |
Shiinotic (A1a 008) | A guaranteed secondary effect of its Flickering Spores attack | 神话岛 |
Vileplume (A1 013) | A side effect of using Soothing Scent | Genetic Apex (Charizard) |
Wigglytuff ex (A1 195) | An additional effect of its Sleepy Song attack | Genetic Apex (Pikachu) |
甚至不需要用任何能量堆放它,这使Hypno成为了精神甲板的惊人支持卡,使您能够快速建立自己的最强重型击球手,例如Mewtwo Ex及其Psydrive,那么如果您在其他位置拥有Gardevoir,可以及其能力加速事物。
Frosmoth和Wigglytuff EX也可以与其他合适的甲板混合,但是Hypno目前是当前Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta中唯一的睡眠卡仍然具有竞争力,而不会降低其余的策略。
现在,您知道睡眠状态的作用以及如何治愈,请尝试使用Pokemon TCG Pocket中最好的Palkia Ex Deck,以了解最新卡还必须提供的其他功能强大的组合。