Marvel Rivals has quickly become one of the most invigorating free-to-play games in recent memory. With ranked modes available, it's also a game of strategy regarding who you use in your roster. All characters have a counter, so here's a list of all the best ones for Marvel Rivals heroes.
亚当·沃洛克(Adam Warlock)是漫威竞争对手的角色,最适合远程攻击和支持,因为大多数(如果不是全部)治疗者都在游戏中。 Because of this, high-mobility characters are a player's best bet in taking down Adam Warlock.以下是可以对抗亚当·术士(Adam Warlock)的最佳角色,根据他们的攻击,使他们保持距离,或者快速而强大,可以近距离伤害并拉出:
黑寡妇是更危险的奇迹竞争对手角色之一,因为她能够从远处造成大量伤害,因此几乎很难区分她在任何给定时刻都可以攻击的地方。再次,移动性是对她的最佳反击的关键,也是隐藏角色的方法以帮助关闭距离的能力。 Spider-Man's fast and hard damage can keep up with Widow, whose players are always known to be moving around constantly.
Cloak and Dagger is technically two characters in one, and their offensive and defensive healing powers make them a bit trickier to counter. That being said, a good high-damage character or dive heroes could put the duo in an uncomfortable position. The character has 250 HP, and it's really a Cloak that you have to watch out for when going on the offense. It's about being fast and having the element of surprise. Moon Knight's fast and long-range damage can keep the healer duo busy, and Venom is as reliable of a tank as always.
Strange博士是最危险和战术奇迹竞争对手的角色之一,也许以他提高防御性盾牌来帮助他们的团队推动目标而无需造成伤害的能力而闻名。 Because of this, aerial characters such as Iron Man or Storm would be best suited to dealing damage from above. There is also Groot's ability to create structures to stop progression, as well as higher HP to break down Strange's defenses.
在右手中,鹰眼是一个致命的狙击角色,其令人印象深刻的远程攻击通常会使他成为您甚至没有看到的威胁。为了对抗这个奇迹竞争的英雄,您要么需要自己的远程攻击,要么是一个很好的防守,以帮助缩小攻击他的差距。 Strange's Shields医生对Hawkeye派上用场,像Winter Solider和Jeff这样的角色也进行了弹丸攻击,可以将他带出。
Hulk's HP bar is the biggest obstacle to countering the character, no matter who you use.近距离的近视角色可能会造成大量的伤害,这意味着最好的选择是用自己的毒液(例如毒液)与他会面,或者使用更脆弱但更远的角色(例如隐形女人或鹰眼),他们可以迅速在自己和绿巨人之间建立距离,使他更加脆弱,同时也能够从Afar中进攻。
Invisible Woman is one of the newer Strategist characters introduced in the game, and she's also one of the most difficult to counter. This is not because of her HP but because of her skillset, which requires her to be at the center of or close to her team. So, the character will likely have plenty of outside support, making isolation difficult.像Venom这样的先锋角色可能是球员反击不可见的女人的最佳选择,或者像鹰眼这样的远程角色可以阻碍她的团队支持。
Iron Fist是一名战略家班级球员最糟糕的噩梦,众所周知可以缩小差距并发出致命的精确攻击,尽管HP较少。 That being said, Hulk is one of the best counters, as the character is also built for close-range combat but with significantly more HP.此外,惩罚者也是对抗角色的好决斗者,尽管如果战略家是您的游戏风格,看不见的女人是轻松逃脱攻击的最佳人物之一。
If used correctly, Iron Man is a character whose flight makes him one of the more dangerous Marvel Rivals characters.大多数先锋队和战略家的防御能力对钢铁侠的空中发作并不局面,这意味着像霍基,露娜·雪或黑寡妇这样的远距离攻击者都可以起作用。 However, Wolverine and his ability to jump in the air makes him almost a sure-hit attacker who can counter Iron Man if planned carefully.
尽管杰夫(Jeff)的土地鲨鱼(Jeff the Land Shark)可以在与他过分的终极和几乎无穷无尽的治疗的结果中发挥关键作用,但他的进攻能力严重缺乏。因此,诸如蜘蛛侠或中距离治疗师之类的高运动侧翼像曼蒂斯这样的进攻更好,可以轻松地将鲨鱼带到惊喜中,然后将他带走,然后他才能对团队造成任何真正的伤害。
洛基(Loki)是一位危险的战略家英雄,他的狡猾动作使他在与实际球员作斗争之前会遭受巨大的伤害(甚至比大多数先锋队更大)。因此,绿巨人和他的大量HP造就了野蛮的反击,而像Black Panther这样的更敏捷和快速的角色可以与Loki进行近距离战斗,然后才有机会利用他的克隆动作试图逃脱。
Luna Snow's defensive abilities and the support she can provide to her team make her one of the stronger Strategist picks. However, the character is also a lot easier to pin down and isolate when compared to the traversal of other characters in her class.话虽这么说,佩尼·帕克(Peni Parker),铁拳和曼蒂斯(Mantis)都是能力和更快的角色,可以迅速拿出角色,然后才能给她时间回应或获得支持。
Thanks to her portals, Magik is one of the fastest-moving characters, making her hard to pin down or isolate in a fight.众所周知,该角色会不断地侧翼,因此像月亮骑士这样的远程角色可以保持安全的距离,同时还可以确保她不会惊讶地攻击您的团队。此外,Peni Parker的Web陷阱还可以确保即使Magik与门户移动时,更有可能不碰到陷阱并受到伤害,这使您的团队有一个开场白以击败角色。
What Magneto lacks in speed he makes up for with his impressive strength and HP.毒液的健康状况同样很强,这将使他在近距离和个人战斗中成为一个很好的反击,而像蜘蛛侠这样的快速角色也可以造成伤害,同时避免Magneto的野蛮攻击。 Long range isn't one of the better counters to Magneto in Marvel Rivals , so it's not really recommended.
Related: How to Get Units for Free in Marvel Rivals
曼迪斯加强队友的能力使她成为漫威竞争对手中最狡猾的战略家阶级角色之一,但她可以与诸如致命的长期攻击的惩罚者或能够轻松隔离她的Venom这样的Vanguards斗争。 One thing to be careful of is her sleep ability
Fantastic先生是Vanguard and Duelist的奇怪中间立场,是漫威竞争对手的新成员之一,因为角色具有中档攻击和较低的HP,但也可以为角色提供几个强大的爱好者。先锋班更适合击败角色,Magneto和他的强大防守和攻击是对阵Fantastic先生的更好的柜台之一。 Iron Man's aerial attacks will also give you the edge over players using this character.
Moon Knight是一个孤立并以远程攻击的形式所做的最佳工作的角色,您在Marvel竞争对手对他的反击将不得不做同样的事情。 Hawkeye is the Duelist best capable of dealing with Moon Knight, as getting too close could be risky thanks to his stronger mid-range attacks. Because of this, fast and powerful Vanguards like Peni Parker are best suited for the job.
Namor的Spawn陷阱攻击并随着他的终极方式响起,这是这个角色更危险的方面,这意味着您需要使用像绿巨人这样的计数器来实现力量或黑豹,以便能够使角色感到惊讶。另外,像Loki这样的远距离战略家也可以轻松撤消Namor,或者为Hela或Black Widow等角色提供治疗支持,以与他打交道。
佩尼·帕克(Peni Parker)是一位既是大脑又是布劳恩(Brawn)的先锋队,身体健康,有点烦人的蜘蛛网能力,可以治愈她并对您造成伤害。 Fast and high-damage characters like Squirrel Girl, especially with her ultimate, serve as a good counter to the character in Marvel Rivals .获得这样的快速角色,或者像奇异博士这样的战略防御能力可以阻止Peni Parker在地图上确定地图以保持自己的地面。
Psylocke是一个具有惊人多功能性的角色,能够迅速为自己的能力充实,并从近距离和中端带来毁灭性的打击,并对远距离造成了一些小小的伤害。 Because of this, high-damage characters like Moon Knight are best suited to handle the character. Moreover, Vanguard characters like Venom can better corner her to engage in 1v1 scenarios.
When it comes to fighting other Duelists, Punisher usually has the advantage thanks to his incredibly high-damage attacks.除非您使用诸如Strange Doctor或Magneto之类的先锋角色靠近,否则最好在与此角色战斗时保持距离。黑色寡妇的远程攻击使她成为了最适合击倒惩罚者的斗犬者,这要归功于她的最终能力以及范围内的枪支,从而从距离更远的地方更具可见性。
Rocket Raccoon是Marvel竞争对手的小型战略家班级角色,他令人印象深刻的速度与他的身材搭配,这使他成为了很难的角色,尤其是当他被他提供治疗的队友包围时。 Faster characters like Captain America and Magik can keep up with his speed boosts and quickly deal the damage they need to disable his support.
Scarlet Witch does her worst damage when she's close to her opponent, so the goal is to keep your distance.鹰眼是一位远方选择的更好的决斗者,以避免受到危险的最终能力的打击,而像Venom和Thor这样的先锋队可以在一对一的战斗中击败她,这使您可以使用几种选择来对抗她。
蜘蛛侠可能是漫威竞争对手中最动手的英雄,他迅速逃脱任何情况的速度和能力使他成为侧翼并迅速进入团队将他们摆脱困境的理想角色。 Your best bet is a Strategist who is mobile enough to keep up with the webhead to counter his attacks and make them less effective. Or, you can use a Vanguard like Venom who can also swing and follow the character to knock him out.
松鼠女孩是一个与月亮骑士相似的角色,她的有效且高损害的攻击以及她可以从远处获得的最终能力的快速充电。 Strange Doctor是一位可行的先锋,可以推迟她的一些攻击,而像Winter Solider和Iron Man这样的决斗主义者可以从足够远的距离发动进攻。
雷神(Thor)是一位先锋队,即使您选择了另一个先锋角色,他的近距离攻击和高伤害使他成为您不想尝试1V1的角色。佩尼·帕克(Peni Parker)可以使用陷阱和中距离攻击o使他慢下来,而无形的女人则是一名优秀的战略家,她可以将角色推开并轻松溜走。
毒液具有有趣的遍历能力和抛光的防守能力,使他成为更令人恐惧的先锋之一,因为他可以轻松地击败一堆攻击,逃避,并比您想象的要快。 Because of that, characters like Hawkeye are better prepared to take him down from afar, although it might take a while.
And those are the best counters for all Marvel Rivals heroes.
Marvel Rivalsis available now on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X|S