
- Food is not essential to survive .类似于瓦利姆(Valhiem)的工作原理,您可以从食物中获得增益,但您不需要吃饭才能居住。
- Water is also not required to survive .但是,它可以提高您的攻击速度,因此保持水分是一个好主意。
- Collect charcoal and paper every time you see it .木炭是一种对于过滤水和绘制素描本非常重要的材料,但是您无法做到。砍伐烧毁的树桩,挖出旧篝火以找到它。 Paper can be made later in the game, but you will still want to get as much as you can.纸对于高高的素描很重要。
- Always keep your Field Guide with you when exploring .如果配备了现场指南,则可以按右键单击读取它;开放页面将告诉您该岛需要什么样的植物,动物或其他帮助,以使环境平衡。
- Your Sketchbook allows you to draw almost any item you don't know how to build yet so you can learn it for yourself.您只需要一张纸和一张木炭即可完成。
- Collect bugs as they're important for balancing ecosystems, and you can find a whole bunch on the starting island.他们通常紧紧抓住树桩的侧面,看起来像蓝色或红色的瓢虫。
- Make sure to get combos .当您使用工具时,当移动线在黄色中以制作组合时,请按左键。这将立即击中几个项目。
- 您需要在烹饪或制作过程中按F吗?不,计时器将继续滴答作响; F Mini游戏在烹饪或制作时只是为了加快流程。


首先,您需要制造一些工具。您可以在没有工作台的情况下制作石头锤(石头 +木材),但其余的大部分都需要它。所有以“石头”开头的物品,例如拾音器和锤子,也可以用骨头在游戏的晚些时候制成。
- Leaf Bucket : Used to water plants and to collect milk from female goats.
叶布 +叶布 +叶布 +绳索 +木头。 - Shears : Used to shear sheep and llamas of their wool.
雕刻的木材 +硬石 +硬石。 - Spyglass : You can view islands too far away to see, mark locations, and see if an island is too heavy to make into a boat.
风石晶体 +风石晶体 +叶 +木材 +绳索。 - Stone Arrow : Used with the Stone or Bone Bow.
锐化的石头 +木材 +羽毛。 - Stone Axe : Used to cut down trees.
石头 +木材 +锋利的石头。 - Stone Bow : A basic ranged weapon.
雕刻的木材 +雕刻木材 +羽毛 +羽毛 +绳子。 - Stone Dorkip : Used as a hoe.
木材 +木材 +绳索 +锋利的石头。 - Stone Hammer : Used to build, repair, and breakdown constructions.
石头 +木材。 - Stone Pickaxe : Used to break rocks and piles.
木材 +锋利的石头 +锋利的石头。 - Stone Sickle : Used to cut plants.
绳索 +锋利的石头 +锋利的石头 +木头。 - Stone Sword : A basic melee weapon.
锋利的石头 +锋利的石头 +锋利的石头 +绳子 +木头。 - Torch : Used to light up the area.
木炭 +木材。
One of the most important parts of Aloft is fixing the ecosystems of the islands you come across.降落后,您可能会注意到颜色变钝,并且无法挑选植物。这意味着生态系统被弄乱了,您需要修复它。装备指南,然后按正确的鼠标按钮将其固定。

- Tree Amount : Plant trees until the first number is equal to or greater than the second number.树木可以在第四个菜单中找到其他种子。
- Flora Diversity : Use the Emerald Isle seeds for this one.如果您在配备种子时右键单击,则可以更改您正在种植的种子,以增加更多的多样性。
- Decomposer Amount : Using the Grindstone table, grind up Reishi Mushrooms you find at the base of trees to make Decomposers.您可以将它们种植在中型树木的底部。
- Animal Amount : Bring a sheep, goat, or llama from another island to this one or build a birdhouse to raise this number.
- Insect Diversity : Using the red and blue ladybugs you have caught on other islands, you can fix this one.打开库存,突出显示错误,然后按F将其释放到岛上。
- Other Items : Underneath Insect Diversity, you might see something like fixing a birdhouse, cutting down an infected tree, or killing a core. If you hold the book in your hand, these items will be highlighted red so they are easier to pick out.核心可以藏在洞穴中。

为了航行一个岛屿,您需要四件事:掌舵,驶向风,漂浮物和舵。地图也很有帮助,但并非严格必要。 Choose the section you want to be the front of the island ship, and place your helm facing in that direction .
In order to line it up correctly, you want the front of the sail to face the front of the island .如果您不这样做,您会在屏幕上收到一条消息,说您的帆与您的岛屿保持一致。这将与您的头盔定位有关。
You'll get the recipe for a sewing table fairly early, but you won't be able to make it without the loom .织机将在很久以后发现。这是获得羊毛布和建造缝纫桌的唯一方法,以便您可以升级装备。当前高级装备只有三套。虽然这些岛屿是在过程中生成的,但我在我的两个播放器中都在地图的第三部分中发现了我的织机,在开始部分的东部两个。
有关更多独立游戏,请在Pro Game Guide中查看最佳的10个独立游戏。