It's the time of the year when spouses run from store to store looking for flowers and chocolates. However, in 2025, Final Fantasy XIV is making life less complicated by pulling off its Valentione's Day event. Here's when it starts and ends, the rewards it's offering, and more.
就像2024年一样,Square Enix的好人正在为喜欢一起玩游戏的夫妻举办一场活动,而那些宁愿不想在一个关于爱情的假期里独自一人的人。 It's called Valentione's Day, and this year, the theme is “With Roses from the Heart.”
Players will be able to load up the game and complete a short quest by visiting an NPC named Astrid at Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre in Gridania. At the end of it all, they will receive a couple of pretty sweet rewards. However, it's important for players to know how long Valentione's Day runs so they don't miss out on the fun.
在情人节开始活动不会为那天忙于完成任务的球员留出太多时间,因此Square Enix将其扩展到了几周。 Valention的日子将于2025年2月3日星期一(PST)正式启动,直到2025年2月17日星期一,直到PST上午6:59。
With two weeks to complete the “With Roses from the Heart” quest, there's really no excuse for Final Fantasy XIV players not to get it done. However, for those in need of extra motivation, here are the rewards that the game will be offering to those who participate:
好像还不够的是,以前的Valention节活动中的项目,包括Love Heart Emote和2024年Valention的心脏椅子,将以折扣返回F Inal Fantasy XIV XIV 。
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不幸的是,并不是每个人都能参加Valention's Day活动,因为有一个相当重要的先决条件 - 达到15级。该级别以下任何人都无法从Astrid声明并解锁奖励。 Thankfully, for those who may be newer to Final Fantasy XIV , there are some easy ways to level up in the JRPG.
Even for those starting at level 1, it should only take a couple of hours to reach level 15 using these methods.当然,这可能有点磨碎,但是对于那些真正喜欢情人节精神的人来说,一旦奖励出现在游戏的库存屏幕上,就应该值得。
And that's everything to know about Valentione's Day 2025 event in Final Fantasy XIV , including the start and end dates, rewards, and more. If you're looking for more, here's how to get the Pose of the Unbound emote in the game.