From Information to Ticket: The App For Your Mobility by Bus and Train.
Functions and features
Timetable information
Simply select your target stop for your bus and train connection and the app shows the departure or arrival time directly.
Do you drive off at another stop or plan a trip on another day? The quick entry from the search history and the favorites quickly show you the right connection.
You only use bus, tram, subway and no regional trains? Then select your preferred means of transport in the settings and the information adapts to your wishes.
Do you want to go to Cologne, Aachen or Münster? The VRR app also shows you all the connections to the neighboring allies. And not only that: long-distance traffic connections can also be called up via the VRR app.
If there is a delay, it will be displayed in real time and you get alternative connections suggested. In the area of reports you will also find all important traffic reports.
Ticket purchase
With the VRR app you can buy your online ticket for bus and train directly. Register once and already, the ticket purchase simply goes with a click. Choose how you want to pay: by credit card, via PayPal, by direct debit or prepaid.
Our most popular cell phone tickets:
• 10erticket
• 4erticket
• Additional ticket
• Happyhourticket
• 24-/48-hour ticket
• 7-day ticket
• 30-day ticket
• Individual ticket
• 4-hour ticket
• Short-distance ticket
In addition to the VRR tickets, you will also receive VRS and NRW tickets in the VRR app. For example, the simple further ticket.
Driving overview
Choose the view you like: You can choose between a graphic or a tabular representation.
Downhill monitor
Do you often drive off a certain stop? Then the downhill monitor is the ideal solution for you. It will show you the next departure times. The notice schedule for your cell phone.
For your regular connections, you can save your most important connections, starting and target stops as favorites. So you start the search for the right connection even faster.
Bicycle routing (new)
By bike to the stop or from the stop to the destination? The app shows you how best to combine the bike by bus or train.
Do you have suggestions, information or questions? Your feedback is important to us. Contact us:
Transport association Rhein-Ruhr Aör
AugustAstraße 1
45879 Gelsenkirchen
Tel: +49 209/1584-0
Fax: +49 209/23967
Email: [email protected]
The VRR area
The VRR app applies to the timetable of public transport (public transport) in the transport association Rhein-Ruhr. The VRR extends from the Ruhr area to Lower Rhine, parts of the Bergisches Land and the North Rhine-Westphalian state capital of Düsseldorf.
VRR neighbor
Of course, the VRR app also shows you connections to the adjacent traffic associations. The VRR borders in the north to the Münsterland traffic community (VGM), in the east to the Ruhr-Lippe traffic community (VRL), in the south to the Rhein-Sieg Verkehrsverbund (VRS) and the Aachen Verkehrsverbund (AVV) and in the west to the Netherlands.