Net Buyer Your Best Ally to Achieve Your Real Estate Purchase
1/ Receive the goods selected by Votre chasseur immobilier in real time
2/ Select the goods that interest you and ask for a visit
3/ Exchange with your hunter 24 hours a day
4/ Store and consult the documents related to your project
Follow your 24 -hour project
Where does you want, when you want: follow the progress of your real estate project in real time from your smartphone.
You can access wherever you are to your personalized customer area specially dedicated to your search. This private space available on tablet and smartphone allows you to manage the progress of your real estate search in a simple and efficient way.
A simple and efficient collaboration tool
Wherever you are and 24 hours a day, receive real -time alerts on new goods found for you. You can accept or reject them and specify the reason for us to better understand your expectations. Ask to visit the goods that interest you, and discover many other very easy -to -use features that will facilitate monitoring of your real estate project: contact, comments, document storage ...
Simplify the search, for the hunter real estate as for the buyer
The application is free and its customer advantage is considerable. Net Buyer is the first real estate hunter company to have very sharp digital tools entirely designed for the real estate buyer.
At the launch of net buyer, we looked for such a tool and it did not exist: so we created it!
Our app allows us to bring together all the information and documents linked both to our customers (their criteria, their financing file, their agenda, etc.) and to the proposed apartments. The follow -up features allow us to keep all the goods, all the traces of our exchanges, visits and documents. The real estate purchase process is revolutionized!