Virtual Secretary helps you to manage calls and send messages when you are busy.
How many times you get in a uncomfortable situation when your phone is ringing and you are at an appointment ? Or you are receiving an important call but you are in the middle of speaking and cannot answer with a message... Virtual Secretary does all the job for you. It automatically rejects current calls and answers it with appropriate message. All you need to do is to compose message/messages and click "Activate" button before your appointment or other activities that make you busy, and relax. Your Virtual Secretary automatically puts your phone in MUTE state avoiding embarrassing ringing, waits for a call and answer it with a message.
Virtual Secretary offers you two modes of operation. The first mode (Single message), allows you to define one (single) message that will be send to all the contacts that try to call you. In the second mode (Separate messages) you can compose messages for each individual contact that you select from your phone contacts. This is very useful when you want to leave different messages to your family, friends ... In this mode message is sent only to the contact that has been added to the list, calls from others are rejected without sending any message. Each mode implements mechanism that does not allow sending message more than once to the same contact thus avoiding message spam and unwanted mobile traffic charge. When you finish your obligation, you can stop Virtual Secretary by clicking on "Deactivate" button from the application. Deactivating Virtual Secretary returns phone ring state that was before activation.
*Update* Virtual Secretary can be deactivated automatically for specified amount of time, if the option is selected. See 'what's new' section.
For any support please feel free to send request to [email protected]. You are guaranteed full time support and update. Thank you for your trust. Enjoy !
Added option for selecting reject/not reject incoming calls.