Twerkalyzer Apk 1.0.0021
Music Rhythm
Update Time:December 3, 2024
Analyse your twerk, replay it, see how it stacks up against anyone in the world!
Using our advance and propriety twerkalysis algorithm, you can now see how your booty work'n skills stack up against your friends or anyone in the world!! Twerkalyzer records nearly 27,000 data points allowing you to review your sweet twerk session in an extremely accurate graphical replay, letting you see which of your dope moves scored big with the algorithm and which need some improvement.-Achievements!!!
-Achievement based earned items!
-More compatibility
-Fix Android 5+ bug
-New improved layout
-Better performance
-Character editor
-Minor bug fixes
And as always...
-More booty
-booty booty booty
-bumper dumper mode