Tutti i Quotidiani provides web links and headlines of Italian newspapers
Tutti i Quotidiani Application provides web links and headlines of whole Italian newspapers and news sources.
Usage Tips
-In order to access mobile web site of a newspaper, you can click once on list item.
-You can change order of a newspaper.Please press on newspaper icon and swipe up and down to change order. When you release icon, list will be saved automatically.
-You can delete a newspaper from list. Hold icon and swipe right, an alert box will be shown.
-Added headlines to some (grey background) newspapers. Long click to open
-You can download fresh newspaper list from our servers.
Application Permissions
-android.permission.INTERNET: for downloading news,internet connection
-android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: prevents screen lock when reading.
-android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: for checking internet connections state.
You can check our web site and please send feedback to [email protected]