TSF Calendar Widget is one of the characteristic TSF Shell 3D widgets.
TSF Calendar Widget is one of the characteristic TSF Shell 3D widgets, users can check missing calls, unread sms, events and pictures of every day directly on the Calendar Widget.
1. scroll up and down the calendar to switch the month with the real 3D paging effect
2. click on a date to refresh the preview of the missing calls, the unread sms, the events and the pictures of that day
3. double-click on a date to check the events of that day and to add new event
1. This widget must run on the TSF Shell.
TSF Shell download address: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tsf.shell
2 Please rate if you like our application. Please kindly email to [email protected] if you have any query or suggestion on our software.
3.This widget must run on the TSF Shell 2.0+
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
Use permission
1,read your contacts
Usage: to show contact name of missing calls and unread sms
2,read your text messages
Usage: to show unread sms record
3,read call log
Usage: to show missing call record
4,read calendar events
Usage: to show events
5,read storage
Usage: to show pictures
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