- news, adverts, events, weather, sport, cinema, traffic jams Information from the entire Tri-City on your smartphone! ?
The application will notify you when there are traffic jams on the beltway or other obstacles on the roads of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot. ?
Are you interested when they play Ark and Lechia? ⚽
Do you want to get to know the sports results of local teams? With us you will be up to date! ???
Events in the Tricity have no secrets for us. The latest cultural and entertainment events, and everything will be presented by the Map of Events.
The company directory will guide you to where and what to eat. ?
If you are a tourist - a guide to Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot will show you the most interesting places to visit in the Tri-City.
Real estate ads help you find a new home - regardless of whether you are interested in buying or renting an apartment. ?
The official application of the Portal - Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia.
WIADOMOŚCI Get the latest news from the Tri-City! Stay up to date - regardless of whether you are interested in culture and entertainment ?, sport ? or business ? in Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia.
Are you often offline? The clipboard will allow you to save articles for later reading.
REPORT ON THE TRIANGLE Follow what's happening on the roads with the "Tri-City Report".
Do you get irritated by traffic jams?
? Sign up for notifications about the current situation on the Tri-city roads and use the report widget!
POINFORM US NAS Tricity lives around the clock! Are you a witness to extraordinary events? Let us know our editors - attach photos or videos. ?
Thanks to the application, your applications are 70% lighter, thanks to which you save your transfer!
WHAT ELSE? (ANNOUNCEMENTS, COMPANIES, EVENTS, CINEMA, COMMUNICATION, WEATHER, LIVE RELATIONS, TV, INWESTYCJE) Access to the Tri-City catalog of companies, announcements, information about cinema events and repertoire, public transport timetables (ZTM ? , ZKM ? and SKM ?), weather forecasts, residential and office investments ??, sports Live reports and films from the Tri-City.
Why does your application require these permissions?
?? Identity / Device identifier and connection information - are required to identify the device. With their help, a key is created that we use to send notifications to your phone and only with your permission
? Location - we use it in the "Announcements" service (when adding advertisements) and optionally in "Search engine" and "Notify us"
? Camera / Camera - is used when adding photos to the advertisement and on the screen. Inform us
? Photos / Multimedia / Files - these permissions are necessary for you to send us photos and videos on the screen. Inform us
? Information about the Wi-Fi connection - thanks to this we know that you are connected to the network and we can send you articles, for example. If you send something from the "Inform Us" screen on the cellular connection, we will inform you that your Wi-Fi is currently turned off