Interact whenever and wherever over pictures, text and high quality VoIP - free
Tribeway is a communication application for high touch interaction within a personal network of friends. It is all about conversation with pictures, as if you all were in the same place, at the same time. Tribeway lets you chat or talk to your friends while showing them pictures live. With synchronized display, zoom, pan and point functions across devices, it offers something that was not possible earlier – interactivity.
1. Network: A personal and private circle of friends with secure communication, content and unique capability to interact.
2. Communication: Both text and voice with seamless switchover between the two. Tribeway’s rich messaging allows interactive communication with interconnected pictures and messages. Quite often, however, text is not enough. For those situations, it allows you to smoothly switch to voice mode and experience interaction in real time.
3. Conversation: It’s not just about sharing pictures from the gallery or the camera, instead, it is a conversation around them. Everything you or others say about a picture, is recorded as a conversation across hours, days or months. No more searching for what your friends had commented on a picture you had shared.
4. Alert: Make sure that a friend does not miss a message amongst the many messages that are exchanged in a chat. ALERT her! Simply, mention the name in your text and she will immediately know that there is a message waiting, just for her.
1. Secure and private networking.
2. Interconnected messages, pictures and posts.
3. Conversation around pictures or posts.
4. Live, interactive conversation over pictures or posts.
5. Seamless switchover between message and voice communication.
6. Personal alert for targeted messages.
7. Watch YouTube videos together with your friends.