TrackChecker Mobile is powerful app for tracking your parcels.
TrackChecker Mobile - is the most versatile application for tracking parcels, mails, orders from online stores by their track numbers.
The App supports more than 1300 different postal and courier services in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, France, China, Singapore, etc. (Over 200 countries).
In TrackChecker Mobile you can track an unlimited number of parcels and receive notifications of new events.
You can set your own frequency of event’s update for your tracks. You can track the parcel on several postal services (up to 10 for one track number).
Main features:
- Manual and automatic update of track’s status for multiple post services at the same time.
- Counting the number of days "on the way", and color highlights depending on the number of days (for not to miss the opening of the dispute)
- Notification about new events with vibration sound light modes
- Support of various sorting modes and filters of the track’s list
- Support of data input using a barcode scanner (in the presence of camera and installed extra application)
- Barcode generator for track numbers to show at postal office
- Export Import of tracks tofrom the PC version.
Enjoy use of TrackChecker Mobile.
Comments, suggestions and proposals submit to [email protected], as well as at Telegram chat
Also, I am grateful to all users and beta testers of the second version of the program, who supported me all the time, while I was engaged in the development of the program.