Tecnofidta Buenos Aires Apk 3.5
Life Entertainment
Update Time:October 27, 2024
Tecno Fidta from 20 to 23 Septernmber 2016 at the center Costa Salguero.
Tecno Fidta will be held from September 20 to 23, 2016 at the Costa Salguero Center.
Tecno Fidta will be organized by Indexport Messe Frankfurt in conjunction with the Argentine Association of Food Technologists (AATA).
Tecno Fidta has the support of the 29 subsidiaries, 5 central offices and 48 representations for more than 150 countries that Messe Frankfurt has in the world. This situation allows the number of regional and international visitors to increase and potential buyers of the industry that are seduced by the quality of Argentine products.