Quiz Guess Empty Lyrics of the Song Sunscreen Falsehood - Rhoma Irama. Very!
This game is suitable for anyone who likes Tabir Kepalsuan - Rhoma Irama
This game is in the form of a multiple choice quiz, so don't be afraid for
Trying to Download the Game of Tabir Kepalsuan - Rhoma Irama
Rules of the Play of the Games Tabir Kepalsuan - Rhoma Irama :
1) Play = starting
,, reset = repeating from the beginning
,, more = other games
2) In the box is the problem that is the cutting lyrics
3) The bottom is the answer a / b / c.
4) Choose the correct answer, and don't get wrong 3 times.
... because his life runs out and has to repeat from the beginning.
5) If you have won, don't forget the star rate, yes ... thanks
This game does not input audio from this song
and hope the user to get this song
By buying at the nearest music store.
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