Swapi - your whole neighborhood in an app!
Swapi is the free social neighborhood network for you. It’s makes it easy to connect and talk to neighbors about any matter in your community. Swapi provides a Messenger, live feed and live radar for neighbors to check who’s around and makes talking to neighbors easy.
Neighbors around the world are using Swapi to:
• Get in touch with other neighbors more easily (neighborhood assistance)
• Get to know neighbors better (in a new city)
• Spread local news faster (local events, missing pet, lost key)
• Organize help more easily (when moving, rideshare opportunities, carpool)
• Ask for advice or recommendations (restaurant, doctors, babysitter)
• Organize activities (sports, street parties, Christmas market)
• Achieve transparency within the neighborhood (Security)
If you would like to inform yourself more about Swapi or you would like to support us, please visit our website http://www.Swapiapp.com/en/ and join us on our Social Media Channels:
Swapi - your whole neighborhood in an app!