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Store (Hospital) Locator is a Locator Application customized for Health Care domain. This application can be used by patients of Hospital/Diagnostic Centers. Appliction Users (Patients) can schedule appointments with hospital, locate nearest hospital, share information about the hospital using SMS , Email, Facebook.
Patients can schedule a appointment by picking Hosptial branch, Consultation area (like Cardiology, Neurology etc), and a suitable Consultant Doctor. In the Default version of the software available, we have chosen google Calendar for each Doctor. The application can be customized based on Hospital / Diagnostic Center requirements. This feature reduces the effort of a patient and the hospital to schedule appointments, and also very convenient for the doctor to know before hand about the appointments.
Hospitals can broadcast about their daily promotions and offers to users. Also, they can advertise about thier vendors, partners to Application Users (Patients). Hospital can take advantage of this feature to convey their promotions and advertisements to all users with very low marketing expenditure.
The Application helps patients to locate nearby hospital from thier current location. Applicaton then assists with a route map from User's current location to hospital.Also, there is a capability to view hospitals in a Map view. Users can mark a hospital favorite and later locate the hospital easily.
The Application can be customized for any business enterprise (Banks, Gas Company, Chain of Hotels, Chain of Departmental Stores) which has locations/branches spread geographically. We will need details of Company outlets for customizing the product.
*Salient features*
*Hospitals Listing* :List hospitals close to current location of the User
.Hospitals are displayed in the form of list
.For each hospital shown in the list, App User can:
.Schedule appointment with a hospital
.Find route to Hospital
.View Facilities available
.Share information with known people using FB, Twitter, SMS or Email
*Search Hospital*: Enables Search of hospital using following approaches
.Search Hospital by Zip Code
.Search Hospital by name
*Hospial info*: More Details of the hospital
.Address, Rating
.Ability for Hospitals to share their daily promotions and Offers
.Publish Advertisements
.Facilities available
.Share information for near and dear ones through collaboration -- Email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, Phone
*Map View* : Locating using Map
.General Map Capabilities -- Zoom In and Zoom Out
.Navigation to Hospital from Map
BVBI Infotech
*Favorites*: For marking frquently used hospitals
.A Hospital can be chosen as favorite , and appears in Favorites tab
.Ease to navigate to Favorite hospital
*Settings* : To set personal information and preferences of the User
.Personal Information related to User
.Search Radius for the hospitals to be located
.Settings related to application
.Extensible -- any number of User Attributes can be defined