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SPOT Local
- Search businesses near you
- Category to help you search businesses easily
- Location based search (we help you get businesses near your location)
- Check out photo gallery, address and more details information about the business
- Get directions and make calls to the businesses with one touch
SPOT News & SPOT Discuss
Ever feel left out when your friends are talking about that hot topic that you just missed out on? Have some sensitive thoughts about that huge local political event that you can’t post on Facebook? or you’re just feeling annoyed by your boss for pissing you off throughout the day? Always wanted to ask that local successful business person a questions that has been burning on your mind?
Spot News can help you.
Spot News is the World’s First Mobile News Community created especially for your country. Download Spot News to read relevant news and to exchange thoughts, ideas and opinions about the news freely and anonymously.
* Read local Malaysian news and international interests that are relevant to you and your peers. We segment news by your age group to ensure that you receive what is important to your social community
* A local politician pissing you off? Discuss local political topics with your honest opinions, anonymously
* Ask our local community burning questions in your mind that you want answered, without fear of judgement
* Air your frustrations about your boss or colleagues and no one will know it’s you
* Choose a language that you’re comfortable with. Currently available in English, Malay and Chinese language.
* Make new friends and expand your social circle with people with common interests
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