Learn how to Solve The Cube by playing !!!
Learn how to Solve The Cube by playing !!!
Really easy to learn method for solving the cube taught in a fun and easy way even for a baby.
This method consists in 7 easy movements: White Cross, Middle Layer, Yellow Cross Position, Yellow Cross Orientation, Position Corners and Final Movement.
The method’s great advantage is its simplicity. As an example the Final Movement only needs 4 rotations and not the usual 10 or 12 that no one can remember.
The cube has 6 faces with 6 colors and 26 pieces:
Center: Pieces with 1 color located in each face’s center. It tells us the cube’s face’s color.
Corner: Pieces with 3 colors located in the cube’s corners. There are 8 in total.
Border: Pieces with 2 colors located between cube corners. There are 12 in total.
The movement’s sequences are explained step by step. In each step you can see which face you have to rotate and a title. Try to remember these titles and the rotation comes alone.
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Subject: Solve The Cube