Lets you put your busy status and automatically responds callers texters
How to not miss things and remain undisturbed?
Perhaps switch off your phone while sleeping or in a meeting, but you’ll miss important stuff.
Major concerns-
How to figure out the subtle difference between Urgent VS Important.
Meeting/Sleeping vs Responding to important calls
One cannot not compromise on either of one. Smart Answering Machine is the smart remedy to this problem.
Smart Answering Machine version 5.8 becomes smarter
* Provides a good user experience with easy to use graphical interface.
* Forwards text messages to missed calls.
* Directs the urgent calls to you while sleeping.
* Records messages from the person who is trying to reach you when you are not available to answer them.
* Smartly adapts meeting schedules from the phones calendar.
* Customization of all the above features is possible as per users’ preferences.
This has gone way smarter! So, use Smart Answering Machine and be a SMART… phone user not just a smartphone user.