Locate People Want More, Using The Gps On Your Device
GPS personal Situo
Stay in contact with the people you love most, using your device's GPS
Security, is a necessity that, with the passing of the days, is relevant to our daily living, especially when we think of the people we love as our closest family and friends. To satisfy this need, we have the “place” application, which you can enjoy from now.
Sitúo is an app which you can install on your smartphone or tablet with Android technology. In the APP I
Situo is very simple to use. 2 things are needed: a smartphone or tablet with Android technology and a Facebook account. Once you have installed the application you must enter with your Facebook account and voila, you can start adding people to your group to share your location and see them.
These are some characteristics of a place:
- Positioning via GPS, Mobile Network or Wi-Fi
- Battery status of the people of your group.
- Alert button that sends a notification to the people of your group that is in trouble.
- Geographical regions to notify your group if you entered or left certain places (your home, your work, your school etc ...) through a notification.
- Chat messages with the people of your group.
- Configuration of your account (your name, photo, periodicity of the reports, etc ...).