This App silences your mobile during prayer(salah) times.
This application automatically puts your phone in Silent mode (vibration) at the time of Salah and later makes it active after a predefined duration.
Some users are facing problem with automatic silencing. Please make sure this app is allowed to run in the background and has auto start permission. Some phones restrict background activity to improve battery. Please allow my app to run unrestricted in battery settings.
Many times we forget to silence our phone at prayer times. There are chances that our phone might ring and disturb others, causing us embarrassment. This application is a humble attempt to avoid this mistake.
If all of us install this app, then we believe there will be less disturbance in congregational prayer.
If you dont want to silent your phone at particular prayer, you can set the silence duration to 0 minutes for that prayer. The silencer will not silent your phone for that prayer.
Masjid's management can print the QR code and put it near entrance so that others can download the app easily.
Please feel free to provide your suggestions.