Reads MyKad, using an ACR38U-PocketMate smartcard reader.
ShowKad reads from the MyKad chip. A tap on the photo gives an enlarged picture to help visual inspection of the cardholder. It also provides an easy way for other apps to read MyKad, by allowing them to launch ShowKad using intent, and get the MyKad personal particulars back, without having to deal with smartcard commands and reader integration.
Instead of asking customers or students to fill up application or registration forms, just read their personal particulars from MyKad. There is no chance of introducing human errors, for example, in IC number copying. All data is replicated electronically. ShowKad brings to everyone efficient data processing previously limited to huge and wealthy corporations and government departments. And it does this WITHOUT a computer. Even better is, there is NO software licensing fee. ShowKad is available for use by anyone FREE OF CHARGE.
Sample code for launching ShowKad through intent from another app :
intent = new Intent ("com.causalidea.cikad.ShowKad.READ_MYKAD");
extras = new Bundle ();
extras.putBoolean ("READ_PHOTO", false); // Do not read the photo
intent.putExtras (extras);
activity.startActivityForResult (intent, 0);
Sample code for receiving the output from ShowKad :
public void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
extras = intent.getExtras ();
if (extras != null) {
extras.getString ("IC_NUMBER"));
extras.getString ("NAME"));
extras.getString ("GENDER"));
extras.getString ("CITIZENSHIP"));
extras.getString ("BIRTH_DATE"));
extras.getString ("RACE"));
extras.getString ("RELIGION"));
extras.getString ("ADDRESS_1"));
extras.getString ("ADDRESS_2"));
extras.getString ("ADDRESS_3"));
extras.getString ("POSTCODE"));
extras.getString ("CITY"));
extras.getString ("STATE"));
photoByteArray = extras.getByteArray ("PHOTO");
if (photoByteArray != null) {
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray (photoByteArray, 0, photoByteArray.length);
imageView.setImageBitmap (bitmap);
} else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
ShowKad works on a general purpose smartphone or tablet. A smartcard reader of model ACR38U-PocketMate is needed. This is probably one of the smallest and most portable contact smartcard readers in the market. To purchase the reader, please visit :
To experience how it works without a smartcard reader, please install the demo edition, which assumes the presence of a fictitious MyKad.
Disclaimer :
While Causal Idea attempts to ensure the application is correct, and may introduce updates whenever necessary, it does not guarantee the application is flawless, and is not responsible for any loss, injury or damage inflicted during and after the installation and use of the application.
Reminder :
You are responsible for the safe-keeping of the collected personal particulars, and for making sure they are not utilized in any manner not agreed by their owners.
Third-party components :
This application contains the file choosing component aFileChooser from iPaulPro. The license terms of aFileChooser are available at
Additional hardware required :
This application is meant to be used with a smartcard reader, which is available at