Anonymous antisocial antichat with geolocation.
Anonymous antisocial antichat with geolocation.
Boiling? Want to share with the world your thoughts?
Here you are. Shouts To Space - is an anonymous way to communicate with the same anonymous Universe.
Here are the basic principles of communication (if you can call it communicaton)
- No registration, no personal data required. Just connect.
- Turn on GPS positioning or location over networks. This is needed to see messages only within radius that interesting for you. By the way, mock location work too - no one deny you meet someone, for example, in Antarctica. This is cool, right?
- 3 posts in 5 minutes. Nobody likes spam, and temporary restriction allows to choose the right words.
- About words. 144 characters is quite enough for the message.
- Message can be replied. The answer reads only the author, to which you answer. And nobody else.
- Each message can be answered only once. If someone else will also want to leave a response, it will be such an opportunity. Recipient will receive all sent answers. Once the message answered no one else can even write the answer as the button will be inactive.
- Someone replied? You will never know who sent the response. Let's agree that the Universe replies to you, well at least part of it. Same as yourself.
- Everything flows, everything changes. Messages are stored on the server for about 5 minutes, and then they disappear forever.
- There are no logs. What happened 5 minutes ago is in the past now. Space lives in the present.
- You can say what you want - it's your freedom, your right, your privilege. Just remember that others also have their freedoms and rights. The system has the ability to ban users - then Space won't be available for you.
- There are artifacts in the app - special items to extend the limits of communication possibilities with the Universe. They can be earned from the Jedi (green icon in the upper left corner). Description of each of them can be foundon making a long-click on the desired item in the list.
Do not hesitate to submit bug reports. They help make the app better.