Theme for CyanogenMod 12 styled on Sense 6.
It is theme for CM12 styled on Sense 6. Note it hasn't all apps and all elements just like on Sense, it's only stylized. Download, install and have fun :)
Theme is completely free so please consider donation and give me a beer if you enjoy it:[email protected]&lc=PL&no_note=0&no_shipping=2¤cy_code=PLN
Themed app:
- Browser
- Calculator
- Camera
- Contacts
- Dialer
- Settings
- Sound recorder
- System UI
- Cyanogen Music
- Cyanogen cLock
- Cyanogen Updater
- Cyanogen AudioFX
- Cyanogen Theme Chooser
- Opendelta
It includes:
- Alarm
- Icons
- Desktop and Lockscreen wallpaper
- Notification sound
- Ringtone
Usage: install app, apply theme in Cyanogen Theme Chooser, restart phone if you don't see all changes.
Attention - this app is only compatybile with Cyanogen Theme Chooser. It will work only on CM12 and other rom with theme chooser.