A game for learning obscure words for Scrabble.
Scrabble Tutor is an application for learning and memorizing words for Scrabble.
In random blank mode, it uses the Tournament Word List to quiz for 2 through 5 letter words, displaying a blank randomly, in the displayed fragment.
The user types in each complete word that matches the word fragment, then presses the "send" button. Words do not need to be input in alphabetical order, and they can be separated by spaces and/or commas.
Alternatively, the user can type only the single letters that match the blank for valid words.
The next screen displays the results of the user input: correct words are shown in the first column in green, missing ones in the third column in red, and in the second column, in yellow, words that were submitted by the user but were invalid.
Unlike many other word-based apps, Scrabble uses the TWL, the US Scrabble word list, making it valuable for practicing for that game. Please be advised that as a result of the thorough word list, it thus contains words that may be considered offensive.
Another game type is N-to-N+1, where valid words of length N can have a letter added to the start or end of the word to create new valid words, such as "cow" expanded to "scow" and "cowl" (and "cows", and "cowy").
In the Q without U game a random blank is displayed for words with a Q not followed by a U.
This app is not affiliated with Scrabble or Hasbro.