Just add your ride to instantly find a ride; no waiting, no planning required.
Using Sawaari, someone who owns a vehicle can make money by offering a paid ride, or can help others by offering a free ride.
Sawaari is a free Global real-time car/ bike ride sharing application that can be used in all countries across the globe. Sawaari helps finding instant or planned rides for your travel needs. Just add your New Ride details and Sawaari will search Matching Rides for you. Sawaari facilitates Ride Request, Ride Confirmation, Cancellation, etc. In-app chat provides free communication with riders for time, location, money negotiation. All with this single application. Just add your ride to instantly find a ride; no waiting, no planning required.
The idea is to help those who are dependent on autos, cabs, or public transportation, etc for their commutes. Sawaari also helps vehicle owners to reduce their expenses by charging someone who is willing to pay.
Sawaari charges no money and is 100% free to use.
Sawaari – falls under category of RideSharing, RideShare, CarSharing, CarPooling, Car Pooling and Drive Sharing!