Free radar detector and DVR in one. With Rysiek mandate does not threaten you!
Rysiek is the best free radar detector, DVR and speedometer on Android for each driver. Thanks in advance Ryśkowi learn where there is a speed camera, control the police or segmental measurement of the speed, and you will not miss any information about the current speed limit on that stretch.
Rysiek is also a DVR, that turning a smartphone into a camera can record video car off the road and save the route in the GPS logs. Transparent speedometer application will control the speed while driving.
The effectiveness of Rysiek confirmed by independent tests weekly journalism Motor (26/2014) and service (08.26.14) in which a free call point from NaviExpert beat its competitors, including current market leader antyradarowych applications.
Ryszard not only sees the bears, but also warns other road obstacles! With Rysiek you know where they are:
- Speed cameras
- Roadside checks,
- Staple measurements of speed,
- Accidents,
- Police patrols,
- Repairs,
- Roadblocks,
- bad weather conditions,
- Dangerous places.
With Rysiek in a simple way you report and receive the latest traffic updates. Thanks to its unique technology, community CB Rysiek uses information from multiple sources:
- From their users,
- From users NaviExpert,
- With SWL traditional CB Radio
- Monitoring the radio and the Internet.
Traffic warning reported by users are also verified in the centers of moderation. All this to anything you did not stop at a good ride!
Rysiek also:
- Map with street names and traffic layer presenting the latest volume of traffic, including traffic jams,
- speedometer,
- Information on applicable speed limits
- on-board computer.
As Rysiek DVR allows you to record road journeys and short track in the phone memory or on the SD card. Videos are recorded in the loop, which means that older films are being replaced by newer, so you need not worry that quickly fill up the memory of your device.
Download Rysiek today and forget about the mandates and the need to buy additional expensive DVR. Ryszard insure your every trip! More of the same application, you will learn to
Do you have questions about your application? Be on [email protected]
Found a bug in the application? Let us know on [email protected], soon it will improve!
Have a safe trip!