Since combat is a big part of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , you want better weapons. Prologues aren't kind to Henry, so you naturally have nothing to use by the end of this one. Luckily, you can get the Dogwood Village Bow early and for free in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .
After you part ways with Hans, you need to find a way into the wedding. Your options are to take a job with a blacksmith or miller and make yourself useful enough to attend. Even if you don't want to work the blacksmith job, the marker for it on your map makes it easy to pick up the Dogwood Village Bow. If you do want to work the blacksmith job to get into Semine's wedding, then you also want to know how to get the hermit's sword. However, that won't come until after you start the job.
The blacksmith job is in Tachov, which is to the north of Troskowitz, where the prologue officially ends and the world opens up for you. Follow the road to the west out of Troskowitz, then keep on the path as it curves to the north. Когда вы достигнете места на пути, где есть небольшая дорога на запад, и главная дорога простирается вперед, поверните к себе прямо там, где находится группа деревьев. This cluster is easy to ignore because it doesn't stand out compared to other areas. Since the small training area is tucked in the middle of these trees, you won't spot it at a glance.
Inside that cluster, you see a target with arrows sticking out of it. Go up to the target and take the arrows from it for free ammo, then go to the right side of the tree to find the Dogwood Village Bow leaning against the tree trunk in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . There's also some brew that you can grab from the stump in the location and mushrooms you can pick. Once you have what you need and want, you can continue on with your current quest.
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It's possible to buy the Dogwood Village Bow as well, but it's not the strongest ranged weapon. You can purchase it from Huntsman's Son Vitek in Tachov, but it's not worth the cost when you're already close to the free version of it. So, you're better off going to get the free bow if you have no ranged options. Тем не менее, Vitek продает и другое оружие, которое лучше, чем этот лук, и вы можете использовать алхимию, чтобы заработать деньги, собирая травы и пивоваренные зелья для продажи.
Независимо от того, есть ли у вас бесплатный лук или вы работаете над покупкой другого оружия, приятно иметь вариант дальнего боя, особенно когда вы не можете изменить трудности. Combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 isn't too different from the first game. So, the melee style doesn't suit every player. It certainly doesn't suit me, so I rely on ranged weapons whenever possible.
If you continue to Tachov to be a blacksmith, you can sleep and save after proving you can forge a sword. Otherwise, head to the miller to continue the main quest. With a ranged weapon in hand, combat becomes easier in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 .
And that's how to get the free Dogwood Village Bow early in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2is доступно теперь на PlayStation, Xbox и ПК.