Like most multiplayer games, Marvel Rivals has plenty of settings to mess around with. One of them involves changing the reticle, which allows players to get enemies in their sights. However, not every reticle fits every character. So, here's the best crosshair for every Marvel Rivals hero.
Before deciding which crosshair to use, it's important to know how to change it. Heading to the settings will be overwhelming, but for this particular process, only the Controller/Keyboard section will matter. Navigate over to Combat and look under the HUD section. The Reticle settings will be there, with options to change the crosshair itself and its advanced settings. Feel free to mess around with those, but only after figuring out which crosshair is best for each Marvel Rivals hero.
Related: How to Get the Shero of Wakanda Achievement in Marvel Rivals
Best Circle Crosshair Marvel Rivals Heroes |
Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, Black Panther, Iron Fist, Mister Fantastic, Hulk, Groot, and Venom |
The circle crosshair in Marvel Rivals doesn't leave a lot of room for finesse. It's best for characters who fight close up and are ready to dish out damage in scrums. Конечно, не у каждого персонажа стиль боя одинаковы, поэтому, хотя Circle Crosshair может работать лучше всего для этой группы героев, рекомендуется перейти в расширенные настройки и изменить его размер в зависимости от использования Moveset.
Best Crosshair Crosshair Marvel Rivals Heroes |
Соколиный Глаз, Человек-паук, белка девушка, лунный рыцарь, Намор, Псилок, ракетный енот, богомол, локи, Джефф земельная акула, Плаук и Кинжал, Доктор Стрэндж, Магик, Пени Паркер, Слая ведьма, невидимая женщина, Адам Уорка |
By far the most popular reticle in Marvel Rivals is the crosshairs. It's the base one in a lot of shooters, and it comes in handy in NetEase's title because plenty of characters use projectiles. Опять же, это хорошая идея, чтобы переместить размер перекрестия вокруг, чтобы сделать это правильно, но у всех персонажей в этом списке есть немного места для работы, когда дело доходит до съемки своих снарядов.
Best Dot Crosshair Marvel Rivals Heroes |
The Punisher, Luna Snow, Hela, Winter Soldier, and Star-Lord |
To be most effective with these characters, it's important to be deadly accurate. That's why using a smaller reticle works the best, as it gets players used to the idea of having almost no room for error. However, once the training period is over, damage and heals will flow all over the map.
Best Circle and Crosshairs Crosshair Marvel Rivals Heroes |
Iron Man, Black Widow, and Storm |
The final crosshair is a combination of two, but it doesn't really work like it. Сетка Circle и Crosshairs лучше всего подходит для персонажей, которые наносят удар с расстояния, поэтому неудивительно видеть двух летающих персонажей в списке. Using these heroes means there won't be a lot of close-quarters combat, and the reticle needs to reflect that.
And that's the best crosshair for every Marvel Rivals hero. Если вы ищете меня, вот все достижения Chronoverse Saga в Marvel Rivals Privals 1 и то, как их получить.
Marvel Rivalsis доступен сейчас на PS5, ПК и Xbox Series X | S.